Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album

Laura Andrews

/ #1628 M is a perfectionist... he is not alive to oversee his perfection in his music...

2010-12-06 03:56

Much Too Soon is beautiful. It is purely Michael. Most of the songs on this album are however fake. His mother, his children, his brothers, his nephews, and millions of his fans know this. Sadly, some fans are being hypnotised into believing it's Michael when even non-MJ fans listen and can tell right away that it is not. M wouldn't want us to stand for it. Remember his protest in the past against Sony? Fuck Sony, Sony sucks? Well...this would be a definite protest on his list! His spirit must be outraged! I hate to see this album released and those that buy it because it's the 'best' they will get to 'new' MJ music. If you want it,(for the few songs that are legit) go about it in a naughty way that he'd be proud of... don't endorse this evil company who...will do anything... for money.

How dare they bring imposters in to sing fake MJ tracks? It's an insult to M's memory!