Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6595

2011-12-22 16:20

"... If also the Satan is divided in itself as its kingdom will resist?" (Лк.11:18) - about Harekrishnas and their defenders

Performance authorised under human rights in the Tomsk region Nelli Stepanovny Krechetovoj on radio "Echo Moscow" from September, 30th in the program "Tomsk ombudsman" with Nikolay Pogodaevym, has given me serious argument, about that of which spirit Krishna, its admirers - кришнаиты and their defenders.

Improbably, but the conscious ideological atheist (the secretary of a Tomsk city town committee of the CPSU) sincerely rushes even to protect sect for which atheists are most most malicious demons by lie.

I will allow some citations:

"The whole world, without considering only demons, from time immemorial recognises Krishna as the higher authority …" (БГ 3:4, with. 212).

"Certainly," Bhagavad-gita "never intended for demonic people who simply would depreciate it and would began to interpret it as it will take in head, bringing nobody the blessings … Wordly scientists have written huge number of comments to" Gite ", but practically anybody from them does not recognise Krishna as the Supreme Person of God though words of Shri of Krishna bring in their the considerable income. To arrive so demons which do not believe in God can only, but thus impudently use Its property" (БГ 4:2, with. 210).

"But ignorant and faithless people who doubt words богооткровенных the writing, are not capable to find consciousness of God. They fall all more low and more low. The doubting soul does not know happiness neither in this world, nor in the world other. The comment: From set of the authoritative sacred writing the best is" Bhagavad-gita ". Only people, in all assimilated to animals, do not know, about what is told in the sacred writing, and do not trust in them... The People who are not believing in God and Its word, will not find anything good neither in this world, nor in other. They do not know happiness" (БГ 4:40, with. 255).

"If, having listened to these manuals, the person and has not managed to understand true nature of the Lord - eternal, executed pleasure and the omniscient Person of God, means, it a hopeless fool. To get rid of ignorance, it is necessary to acquire gradually principles of consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 4:42, with. 257).

"There are two types of people: betrayed and demons … Demons refuse to accept Krishna such what It is. Instead they fill the comments with fabrications about Krishna and prevent to follow the reader to Its manuals …" (БГ 4:3, with. 211).

And such citations humiliating all инаковерующих many. It is possible to familiarise With them: "the founder Book" Societies of consciousness of Krishna "Abhaj Charan De" of Bhagavad-gita as it is "– all, who not кришнаиты – demons, the fallen sinners, fools and ignoramuses" http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_bhagavat-gita.htm where I write out all offensive statements of Abhaj Charan De concerning those who does not divide its doctrine.

So, "the demonic person" namely so кришнаиты designate atheists, sincerely rushes to protect "sacred" "Bhagavad-gita as it is" which furiously convicts, names "demons", "assimilated to animals", to "fools" and "ignoramuses" first of all atheists, atheists.

Thus кришнаиты on the sites, forums, social networks with the greatest pleasure and потрясанием have placed an audio record of interview of Nelli Stepanovny Krechetovoj.

In the history of Church there were cases demons "благовествовали", but the Church reacted to it so: "Happens that when we went to a house of worship, there was to us one servant afflicted with spirit прорицательным who through a prediction delivered the big income to the misters. Following Pavel and for us, she shouted, speaking: these человеки - slaves to God Supreme which announce to us a rescue way. It did it many days. Pavel, having become indignant, has addressed and has told to spirit: Jesus Christ name I rule to leave to you it. And the spirit left at the same o'clock. Then the Lord it, seeing that the hope of their income has disappeared, have seized Pavel and Force and have entailed on the area to chiefs" (Dejan. 16:16-19).

At кришнаитов we did not observe similar reaction …

And it not the first attempt of "demonic" atheists to rise on protection кришнаитов! Some time ago the Tomsk journalist, the ardent atheist and хулительница Olga Iovleva has written to Orthodox Church article "Court over the Indian book has dishonoured Tomsk for the whole world". Then also кришнаиты with pleasure duplicated protection of this "demon".

One more Tomsk atheist - Savely Volfson, the doctor of historical sciences, the head of branch of the international relations of historical faculty of Tomsk state university, the head of the Center of the countries of the East has stood up for кришнаитов also. He even has written the letter to Lenin court and acted on one of sectarian concourses.

Lord Jesus Christ specified: "… if also the Satan will be divided in itself as its kingdom will resist?" (Лк.11:18), and also "If you were from the world the world would love the; and as you not from the world, but I have selected you from the world therefore hates you the world" (Ин.15:19)

Whether can protect a demon true belief in true God? Whether can love the fallen world the doctrine about rescue from true God?

No! No! Also is not present!

Therefore it is absolutely not difficult to draw a conclusion and кришнаизм, and the atheism has one spirit-patron.

Look also on this question: "As the birdie has grown to god of the whole world (about god кришнаитов)"

P.S. By the way, in last, rather primitive both religious, and literary aspect an opus "Lessons from Krishna or Why us have taken down" the PRESIDENT of the Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna Enver Izmaylov (recently it became the third санньяси, the teacher of teachers, among Russian кришнаитов) has entered for инаковерующих (in our case for orthodox Christians) the new term "religious atheists".

Maxim Stepanenko, the head
Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese
Russian Orthodox Church
"On topic of the day" - 10/13/2011.

P.S. For last two months at кришнаитов has increased defenders. Who they?

- Homosexuals (it is certain Rinas With and "it", apparently, lesbians), look article - Ups... Томичей on meeting "for fair elections" deduce... Homosexuals? - On topic of the day;

- Oppositionists and the provokers, living treachery of the country at the expense of grants from the USA (mentioned Rinat С - one of active workers of West selling organisation "Voice");

- Fans of meat (days before on a site "the City. Томск.Ru" прокришнаиткий the post was published by the certain "Natka", which else earlier has published also a post on preparation pork рульки, having put a photo of the hungry spouse which with greed devoured it;

- Fans and judges of alcohol (for кришнаитов the City has actively stood up in discussions ". Томск.Ru" under articles in certain townspeople who has published earlier the whole series article about fault and winemaking);

- Not legislative citizens (in discussions "the City. Томск.Ru" already some persons wrote supposedly all so do - illegally build, and then try to legalise, what for this Stepanenko has not allowed to make узаконивание lawlessness).

- Haters of Orthodox Church (it is absolutely expected, and me does not surprise).

Unless it is not strange that at кришнаитов there are the people doing what Abhaj Charan De in "is categorically condemned by Bhagavad-gita how it is", namely - the meat and alcohol use?!

It is not strange if to look it in a context of these words: "… if also the Satan will be divided in itself as its kingdom will resist?" (Лк.11:18), and "If you were from the world the world would love the; and as you not from the world, but I have selected you from the world therefore hates you the world" (Ин.15:19).

So, мiр so hating Jesus Christ and Its Church - Orthodox Church, loves кришнаитов...

And how differently?! Krishna has a second name - a devil, and here its "paradise" hot Vrindavan:

Look also - As the birdie has grown to god of the whole world (about god кришнаитов) - On topic of the day