Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #65842011-12-22 15:45Besides, be I the priest, have the arrival, I could not go on the country. The priest is responsible for those people who already go to it to a temple, — and God grant that it had enough forces on the parishioners. I could not throw hundred the destinies entrusted to me, and somewhere to Magadan for a week to dash away. And now I can conduct a way of life roll-field. And, at last, I have a right to refuse to people. Often approach, even in the street — with the request to consecrate apartment, поисповедовать or to advise something. Now I speak: “It not to me, and to the priest, to the confessor”. Becoming itself иереем, I will lose this right to refusal. And it is time, which to me and so catastrophically does not suffice. Somehow I go to the underground. The thin car, but all sedentary places are occupied. I stand, the book I read. Suddenly hangs over me experienced and, to put it mildly, not quite т Quick человечище with a smoothfaced nape … the Golden chain on an oak volume … And it is loud, on all car, asks: “the Father, what to me to do? I seven persons killed”. I look — the small bench has become empty, it is possible to sit down and heart-to-heart to talk. For a confession he has chosen a good place. What have you advised to it? Has sent it. Where? In a temple, naturally. That in the street to you нe stuck, go in secular clothes? Some times tried. It seemed, me could accept for the free artist or hippie. But all the same distinguish and address — "father". To you approach behind autographs? Happens. And I prefer not to lose time for that an explanation that раздаяние autographs малополезно for my soul and consequently for me is not palatable. If it pleases the person, I is better to it will present this pleasure, and with the vanity I will understand then. It already “the task for the house”. But if to you constantly address with requests for autographs and interview, that, having so much occasions to vanity how you struggle with this passion? To begin with it is necessary to tell that all the same I, alas, тщеславлюсь. Anyway — I rejoice, when I see that people are interested in my work. However, the same author's feeling was at prelate Feofana of the Hermit: “Undertake to read my books. It is always pleasant to me to hear that someone reads my books. I think, esteems, and if will find that поклончик will put about pardon me multiguilty”. And that it did not accept any extreme forms... Know, my sin предо me is I will take out. You remember some own disgraces... It after all is frivolous: a role of the lecturer, the teacher, раздавателя autographs... There is another: a liturgy. Is диакон, absolutely sincerely naming unworthy in a minute of the Participle. There is at you a change? To go my way, too much необычностей should converge. Main from them: my church career went from top to down. I after all in Church have begun the work with the highest point. Yet without having ended Academy, I already in 27 years was the Press Secretary and the reviewer of the Patriarch. Then was the dean of theological faculty, then — managing chair, now — simply professor. Well to end life диаконом in rural arrival … Forgive that I interrupt. But, speaking about rural arrival, you do not pose? Well, what here a pose! It is simply boring and rational calculation. Any writer wishes to receive rest in the end of life to "be used up". Is better to write in silence, seeing round itself the Native land, instead of concrete “a certain residence”. But easy to live, write and serve in village, many money is necessary. Any constant source of the income (what cannot be today fees for books) is for this purpose necessary. The most reliable is to hand over the Moscow apartment. But for this purpose she needs to be bought at first. And “the small house in village” — if it within reach to Moscow and with the Internet — costs oh as недешево. So idea sober, good, but expensive. Where on it to take money — I do not know. But if I to myself allow to mark about something — so about this flight from Moscow, instead of about протоиерейском a cross or a solid official sinecure. So, coming back to my career. Its this strange direction — from top to down — means, first, that, it having appeared "above", I (hope) was not in time internally мутировать, to become the person of "system" who long and переживательно waits for advancement upwards and with corresponding calculation and care builds the words and acts. Secondly, that I have begun at once with the top step, has made my name at once known to all episcopate. That from the very beginning I was near to the Patriarch, has helped to get tserkovno-hierarchical support at the beginning of my missionary work. Bishops did not have a question: our person or not ours. I did not need to prove that I can protect our belief: time the Patriarch in Moscow has entrusted you such obedience — well, come and to us and work. Thirdly, and the Patriarch from the very beginning knew, in what I see the calling. Understand, if the usual young priest starts to go actively with lectures for limits of the arrival and the more so for limits of the diocese, the bishop will inevitably ask it: “At you that, on the arrival has put a little?”. I had a unique combination of freedom and trust. I was not the dissident. From the very beginning I was perceived (including by itself) as “the person of the Patriarch”. My freedom, in particular, is connected by that I for myself have defined area of the work and its methods (it I now so I can tell, looking back back: when all only began, no similar plans at me and in thoughts existing). Plus to it my dual status as secular journalist and university teacher, and not just as church attendant … In general, all it was easy in the beginning 90: when all raged and was created. By the way, for me it is very important: I never came to Churches on someone's place so, and my posts did not cause someone's envy. So did without “подсидок”. Simply each time my readiness for change of a place and requirement for any new service coincided. In 1985 for the first time rector МДА has created at an input in the office "waiting room" and has decided to plant in it the reviewer. In 1990 for the first time the Patriarch has decided to create a post of the Press Secretary. Has passed still time — and for the first time the theological faculty in frameworks created orthodox university has been created for the first time, and the dean was, of course, necessary to this faculty. In all these cases I had to replace nobody and by that — to "offend". And new missionaries should force the way through from below. It — it is heavier. I now try to put myself to the place of the young man who wants to begin church missionary service. It have imposed after seminary, it tries something to do out of a temple, and hardly probable not all its colleagues look at it, as on the outsider: “to You that, is necessary most? The Protestant any! You that, do not know, what whom it is necessary the Lord Himself will result?”. At such moods the beginning preacher will constantly generate round itself a condemnation field. If it falls outside the limits the arrival, eventually to it will tell: “Means, at you on arrival has put a little?”. Besides, the more time he will spend with children or youth, the it is less than money will earn требами in a temple. After all while it conducted a lesson at school, it could consecrate the car … And in due course the voice of the wife will start to remind it that it would be time “to live as all” … And then journalists will set any tricky question, and he will answer unsuccessfully (or and really so will answer, or journalists will muddle its answer). And already from top the terrible hail follows: “That you such ляпаешь! Sit on arrival, the young man, and the grandmothers on holidays teach, and on radio do not go!”. No, today, it seems to me, it is heavier to young priest to follow a missionary work way. And the more so I am surprised to how the Lord conducted me on this way! Means, you will be engaged not always in missionary work, you want to change something in your life? I do not want, and I know that change will be. Perhaps as early as a year two so it is possible to live ("so" is means: on wheels, giving in a year of lecture in 60 cities), and then simply forces will come to an end. But not I will make this decision, all will occur by itself; and I hope that then there will be time to settle in Moscow, to write books. And then and to leave Moscow … But if something such is the Lord Himself will result in it. And monastic postthreshing barns it is possible? Too I do not exclude. It will be a stone which should disturb a bog of my life if it absolutely is tightened by a duckweed “обвыкания” to a relic. And a family? I one. I initially built the life so that not to have anchors. And you sometime loved the woman? You know, to some extent it all the same there was not I because it was those old prehistoric years when I even still крещен was not. And after a christening the Lord, likely, conducted me to that way of life in which I and stay now. That is why did not send more love. Means, and it is not necessary. Again I will tell: my deep belief that you do not choose the present, it enters into your life. So even when my classmates-seminarists actively solved the marriage questions (who женихался who, on the contrary, on brotherly monastic молебнам ran), I have told: “My God, yes there will be Your will. If You consider that my way is a way family send to me such meeting with the girl that I have understood at once: it — it. If is not present, operate somehow differently”. Here there were no long internal "dismantlings". Too experiences from recently found belief were still sharp. Why you have chosen a way of refusal of a family if it is much deprives of the person? I do not think that it is refusal. It is possible to refuse that is. Nevertheless one business — to let out that at you already is, and another — to take simple not. If I have not given a hand, that any treasure to take, — hardly it is possible to name it refusal. As was and with a trade choice. And here there was no internal struggle. Those days like a choice (it was 1985) I accurately felt: to remain in postgraduate study and to continue secular career, I should break myself. And here to break all external system of the life and to come to seminary to me it was internally easier. Father Andrey, you have somehow told that fathers should not forget about the former wordly hobbies. You have kept the former hobbies? Yes, it would be good, if the priest could воцерковлять and the wordly trade, and former "hobbies". I know priests who were masters of martial arts before dignity acceptance, — so they and now teach these arts to boys, accompanying their statement of a Christian position. I in the childhood too had one hobby to which I on the sly come back. I loved books on stories, but have arrived then on philosophical faculty, as a matter of fact — antihistorical. And here last years on a drop I squeeze out from myself the philosopher. Details, details, historical complexity are interesting to me. And philosophical ease of generalisations when on two-three facts the global theory is under construction, it is necessary to get rid. I remember, when I was the student the first books on religious philosophy fell me into hands from the research assistant of Institute of philosophy Albert Vasilevicha Soboleva. Its apartment was for me treasure island: there there were pre-revolutionary editions and the Parisian books which were stored in the Soviet libraries for a family спецзамками. And here, bringing the next read book and taking new, I tried to fasten with it discussion read, but in the answer did not meet any enthusiasm. At first I have considered it for usual Soviet care. And then he has explained:“ Know, it is not very interesting to me any more. The world of ideas of Russian philosophy is foreseeable enough. I have studied it for a long time already. These philosophers are much more interesting to me as people. It is interesting to me, as they lived, as communicated. At times the old photo to me is more interesting than the new edition of the book Florensky ”. Then I have not understood it. It seemed to me that the Universe of Russian religious philosophy is inexhaustible. And now I feel something similar. The history is more interesting to me, than philosophy and divinity. And how you have a rest? How spend a free time? Perhaps you have any hobby? Here in this sense my way of life absolutely abnormal because the usual Muscovite when at it there comes holiday time, leaves somewhere Moscow, aspires to merge with any company, and at me all is equal on the contrary. All my life — on trips, therefore for me rest is if I can sit at home one. Happy time if I can be locked for two-three days of the house and not to leave in general anywhere, even in shop. As rest is a change of a way of life and activity for me — when I write rest. Because on trips I only read (or opposite: I only on trips) … read Hobbies? Yes one hobby at me — to have a sleep. And you were visited never by doubts, what you have made the wrong choice a course of life? I envy myself. Means, do not consider itself as the loser? Then both without a family, and without career it is possible to be successful? Well as I can consider myself as the loser if I do not have free time? I see that my work is necessary to people. In general the orthodox priest — the safe person. Not in material sense, and internally. He understands нужность the service, understands that people turn to it the most secret party, sees that helps people. He knows that what he lives, very important. But this internal well-being should not weaken the priest. To it it should be difficult. When you do not belong to yourself, when you all time should do that the Lord and people expect from you. Here, talking to you, I look for a window. I in a fine old city, at it fine cosy streets. But I understand that I on them and will not visit that I at all will not have time what to give you interview to me it is necessary at the expense of a tiny pause between lectures because still it is necessary to lie down for a minute (at me a sick back), and then to go for 360 kilometres, and already then, in hotel, behind the computer, to correct the next urgent interview... Yes, I am happy. And what has induced you to be engaged in church publicism and missionary activity? I never thought that I will become the missionary. There is a strange contradiction between my personal character and character of my life. I on character the homebody — and here it is necessary to live on the journey. On the warehouse I the introvert, the single, — and it is necessary to be constant with people … No, seriously, I the homebody. In days of study I had one way: the Moscow State University and a temple. I even did not go to other temples, to Petersburg on vacation I did not break … After a christening long time anywhere, except the temple, did not go. Into the Danilovsky monastery has entered year four later after its opening, and that after one father at whom on a visit was, has told: “At me business in the Danilovsky monastery, we go with me”. And so I knew only to the Trinity-sergievu Monastery and the temple, and it is more than anything. To the Patriarchal cathedral has got for the first time only when us, seminarists-first-graders, have carried there. And even today for me each exit from the house — small spiritual wounds. That I which year on the journey, am the situation more likely imposed to me, rather than selected me. And this influence of the Patriarch therefore as it, itself being the mobile person for whom travel — the natural way of life, has accustomed to that and all employees. As it is known, heart attack has happened with it not in the Moscow rooms, and during visiting of Astrakhan. The patriarch often took me with itself in trips, and it has allowed me to overcome certain fears (I in general avoided contacts to the Soviet power — even at level of the reference to the manager of hotel or to the railway cashier). And then, participation in Church has given me sensation сословности. I have very sharply felt as the seminarist that in my life something has sharply changed. If I the student of university and somewhere meal, I absolutely in itself and anywhere, in any city am necessary to nobody. But words “I the seminarist” are words wonderful. In any city, in any village where there is a temple, you come, you speak “I the seminarist”, and to you rejoice. It now is a lot of seminarists and many rascals and charlatans. And in Soviet period the seminarist is there was such rarity … You see, how people accept you, and understand that you should fulfil it then because we yet have not made anything for Church, for people, for God. Again I speak: I did not have a decision: “I Will begin to go with sermons!”. In Church there is such saying: “For выбирачку — receive a sore!”. That is if you have started to rush about, dart off without emergency, to search for a new temple or a new diocese simply “in search of the best” — that as a result the Lord can "teach a good lesson" you. And you will appear in such new conditions that with nostalgia will remember about former, seeming "intolerable". I without the desire, without any initiative have appeared at the Patriarch, then at orthodox university, without the special any initiative have started to be engaged in publicism. It seemed accidents: I see that any bosh about Church I am told, take up the pen to explain, in what here a lie. And then, when sects have appeared, already about it began to write. And absolutely it is unexpected there was for me an idea of the familiar church journalist when he has suggested to collect and publish the book my articles scattered under different editions. It was in 1994, whether also the book was called “All equally how to trust?”. I have been so dumbfounded, what even the question on the fee did not begin to discuss. It, likely, was the first book about the divinity, written by language of the journalist. From here and its success: 45 thousand have disper-sed for half a year … And then the same publisher speaks:“ Listen, still the paper remained with us, give still something yours we will publish ”. So there was already serious book“ Tradition, a doctrine, a ceremony ”, made on the basis of my university lectures. Well, and made twice already becomes a habit. How it has turned out, what at you — almost at the only thing today the active preacher — so romantic relation to Christianity? You, apparently, are ready to repeat for Chesterton: “Our belief — adventure, it is similar to a detective, where the main solution — in the end”. — And after all truth has told. Our belief and really is adventure. Here present (it is the real case, told to me in Vilnius): the son-student speaks to mother: — Well what at you in Church miracles? There are today no miracles! And that answers: — Well as, the sonny, is not present miracles? And with me here just — unless not the miracle was? The potato should to me be cleaned, because for the next day frosts promised. I Dig-dig, I look — the sun already at a decline, and at me hardly third is dug out. Here I also have begged: “My God, help to clean this potato, You after all know: to me winter without a potato not to live!”. And I again — a nose in beds. And, you represent, before dark really all has cleaned. Unless it not a miracle? Here this ability to address to God concerning a potato also is the greatest adventure. From the point of view of the bogoiskatelja-intellectual it simply scandal: to the Transcendental Absolute, Idea of Ideas, the Highest blessing — this peasant has addressed concerning any ordinary potato! Is not present to ask the Deity about утончении the aesthetic taste, about talent of tolerance, an open-mindedness and political correctness … And in many real religions such behaviour too seems unreasonable: reconcile, the proud person, pray to native spirit, but do not annoy the Sky. Present that I have rendered service to the President. It has given me number of the direct mobile phone. Has told: “the help will be necessary — call!”. But I understand that I have a right only on one call. Represent, as I will protect this lifesaver, from one crisis to another all postponing and postponing the unique appeal "to the very top". Certainly, I will not call to the President with the complaint to the neighbour which has again filled in my apartment. Here and to God the Creator in many pagan religions was authorised to address only as a last resort — not when “the crocodile is not caught, the coco” and when the destruction threatens all people … the Christian does not grow can address to the Creator of the worlds on trifles and in a family way, easily: Отче. You know, somehow in one Ukrainian newspaper I have read a prayer “our Otche” in the Ukrainian language. Russian word "father" on-ukrainski — "father". I at first was indignant: “It is necessary! What familiarity, roughness!”. I knew before only one "father" — Mahno. And then has reflected and delighted. It is good that the Lord of all worlds name in a family way: “батя”. I and most can "be capricious" sometimes before the Heavenly Father, to pray for real nonsense: last week I have spent to Romania. And when I left there so I would like that there it was warm! Before I was tired of this Moscow autumn slush! Snow already lay in Moscow. Snow has filled up Ukraine. Snow in Carpathians. Snow in the Romanian Moldova. In general, two days of a snow-covered way have almost killed my hope. But on an entrance to Bucharest it became suddenly surprisingly warm. And all the week long the temperature was plus 20 is in the middle of November! However, because of this sudden warming small flooding happens in the Central Europe, but it their problems … I did not pray For it. If to speak seriously, such adventurous, and at the same time our life is full of daily miracles. And as I have come to the belief in addition understood as adventure … To tell the truth, I and do not know that to you to answer. It is necessary to think out something, instead of it would be desirable. I will tell as is: I did not begin to mature. How Peter Pan? Not absolutely: first of all I did not begin to mature in church sense. In hierarchical, whether that. Диакон is not the priest. It is safe to people to communicate with me: I do not jam it in spiritual heads and my councils easily can be neglected. How in your temple concern your frequent absences? The prior suffers, thank God! In reports my trips as “missionary activity”, of course, join. From the very beginning of my "addition" to this temple the Patriarch has told to the prior that I will serve “during free time from theological employment”. When the Patriarch has offered me on a choice — I would wish to serve in what temple of Moscow, I named John Predtechi's temple on Red Presne. Also has noticed that at the Most holy a certain shade has run on the person. Then I have started to enquire in the Patriarchy, and it has appeared that this temple was considered there some kind of “штрафбатом”: in Soviet period in it appointed priests who were not on the best to the account in the Patriarchy. To it from the underground it is necessary to rise in a hill (and the rare grandmother will master this way), but nearby there is other operating temple — on the Vagankovsky cemetery. So our temple to the Moscow measures was considered as one of the poorest. And here I have asked in “штрафбат”... But for me here there was no choice: this temple was my native. And then our temple — not ideological, without claims. Fathers are not afflicted with ideas of author's interpretation of Orthodoxy. At us — normal служаки. And people to us go simply to pray, By the way, in the temple I do not preach. Because I want to have in life a place, where I not professor Kuraev, and the most usual диакон. Where I could keep silent and pray. After all in other places it is necessary to speak too much. As usual there is your working day? I do not have concept of the working day, is, more likely, concept of working week. Here years seven every Sunday I depart to any region. In a year not less than 50 cities. In total for last six years has visited 250 cities of the world … There three-four meetings-lectures in day. Usually on Friday I come back to Moscow and — lectures in the Moscow State University, at theological institute. Saturday morning — for dialogue with journalists, for domesticities, writing. In the evening — nightlong vigil in John Predtechi's temple on Red Presne, in the morning — a liturgy, and again — the plane. You are a person untwisted. Flash constantly on the screen, in a press. Colleagues are not jealous you? After all any closed communities — military men, officials — do not love upstarts from the numbers. And clergy? Clergy — very unusual community. It cannot be "closed" because people come to it from the most different social classes and with very different destinies. In Moscow every tenth priest — the graduate of the Moscow State University. At least therefore this environment there can not be an allergy to me. Happens, when you work much — you go to bed, and before eyes work. Also you start to remember: to that should, has not made, that to meet, it to execute … It is impossible to concentrate even on the most simple prayer. Whether there are at you ways with it to consult? Well, at bedtime I have forbidden for a long time transfer of the debts to myself is a right way to a sleeplessness and an ulcer. Here it is necessary to tell simply "stop" — and all. I will not begin to think, about what I would not like. As to a prayer — that it and helps with work. I the believing scribe. The scribe — but the believer. It means that when I take the book, I enter into personal contact to the author. If it is the person sacred, I pray to it: “to the Prelate отче Grigory Bogoslove, ask God about us”. If it is the person who has been not canonised by Church, — I pray: “Upokoj, My God, I smother your slave болярина Alexander” (it about Pushkin). If the author is live — that it is especially possible to pray for its health and (if it is necessary) about вразумлении. At the Christian the occasion to a prayer always will be. Your numerous trips inspire you more likely — or, on the contrary, take away forces? They exhaust, certainly. But I to them concern as usual work. It would be strange to search for easy work. Besides, “вдохновений” and "enlightenments" I do not search. And that so is short and to a mental hospital … Remember this marvellous aphorism: “If the person talks good luck it is a prayer and if God talks to the person it is a schizophrenia”? In general I do not put to myself global problems. For a long time already I have given myself pledge: in the life I will never be engaged in two things — I will not rescue Russia and I will not rescue Orthodoxy. To me ethics of small affairs are closer: rendering of the private help to private people. Something you are over-modest, in my opinion. Why it to you would not be desirable to rescue Russia and Orthodoxy? Because it is too frequent on my eyes people became crazy from self-conceit and statement to itself too major problems. If and in me suddenly will move similar messianic мыслишка — I rebuff it a simple question: “Andrey and who has appointed you the person on duty on April?”. So again I will tell: I work. Words of type "service" and "feat" I put outside the brackets the life — that not “звездило”. Therefore also I take fees for the lectures and books. Know, in Church sometimes speak: “Free of charge is there where the demon pays”. In sense — presents with "high" from consciousness own праведности. At such volume missionary and проповеднической activity which you conduct, — including at rock concerts, — whether difficultly to come back to a solitude, a prayer, private life of the Christian which faces God? Yes, even not in spiritual life, and in purely practical — it is difficult to come back to Moscow. In the most literal sense. When I go to any city — me there nearly on hands carry, meet … When I come back to Moscow — I here am necessary to nobody. Most it is necessary to drag a bag to the bus, then hour two most to be dragged from the airport to the house … It is the most interesting to you to carry on with what audience dialogue? With that which with me does not agree. My audience are people to whom the thought, complexity is interesting. People who are afraid of simple answers and propagation. People who rejoice, learning that any problems it is more difficult, than it seemed to them earlier. And how often you can meet such audiences? Audience of my debut in a city always not mine. It proves to be true almost in all dioceses where I have visited. It is the big problem for me as my books, records of performances extend only on church channels and do not reach those to whom they are addressed, — first of all to people not church. Almost everywhere, where I come, announcements hang only in temples. Therefore at lecture come прихожаночки, "professionally orthodox", in hope that it will tell about miracles and is blissful-foolishes aged men … Grandmothers soon understand that were mistaken, and easy doze till that time when it is possible to ask the questions. On the following lecture they already, as a rule, do not come. But some tens people from the university world which nevertheless have appeared at lecture, after it set loading to local telephone systems. On a city the telephone ringing (sensation begins: “not dull Orthodoxy!” ). The next evening number of listeners the same, but already qualitatively changes their structure. People secular for which it is the first possibility of serious dialogue with Church in their language already began to gather. And for the third evening already my audience — people who are afraid of simple answers gathers. And one more sign of "my" audience is a presence of my coevals, “средовеков”. The problem consists that in our arrivals there are only two age groups: it is youth and older persons. To me it is sad that in temples it is not visible people of middle age: from thirty till fifty years, and especially men. Why men of this age in our temples practically are absent? Probably, because it is people, whose outlook has developed in the Soviet years. And for the man, unlike the woman, it is much more difficult to break the outlook: the man is more egocentric, he above appreciates itself(himself), the life experience. In an old age the person feels approach of sufferings, death, and it is clear, why it becomes more religious. And the age of 30-50 years, age of career peak, is time of excessively overestimated self-estimation, and this age becomes малопроницаем for the orthodox sermon of a repentance. Therefore I very much rejoice, when I see that at my lectures there are many people of this age. And if earlier I considered that I will address first of all to youth recently I believe that, maybe, one of the main addressees of my books and lectures are people of middle age. And unpleasant opening in life at you was not? One of large disappointments of my life is connected all with the same my missionary work. I with some bitterness should admit that my books and lectures give the greatest return, alas, not in that direction on which I counted. I cannot consider myself as the teacher of Church at all. To learn to spiritual life, a prayer and a repentance as I consider, — not within my competence: human, диаконской. I was to be was valid the missionary, to lead to God of people from the country far. And still under responses and conversations with hundreds people, under letters which I receive, it appears that for many people my lectures carry out other problem. It appears that for many my lectures and books are faster a certain keeping factor, that is they, more likely, do not result in Church, and help to remain with it. Those who come, — come. But then passes it is time the first delights and the bitterness — doubts, difficulties, disappointments begins. Especially they are heavy, if there was no relation with the priest. If my books it is possible to such person to show get to this time to it that Orthodoxy can be other. Books show to it that the Church world — is various. And consequently it is possible to live in it. Church space — space of people, instead of a dusty book-depository. At times even it is necessary to speak: “that has been given out you for Orthodoxy or seemed to them, actually that is not”. That is that audience from which you work, it mostly already church people? Well, it, say, to my grief … would be desirable For me, that in it was more people not church. But, unfortunately, in last years five I observe a return tendency. If was approximately fifty-fifty, now at my lectures of secular people of percent, maybe, twenty earlier. Perhaps, a problem what secular people simply do not know about you? Yes, I it see very accurately. Because sometimes, happens, you come to small town — a packed house on one thousand places. And there is a big, million city, and a hall thin … it is obvious, it is connected with any failures in preparation of my arrival, in the notification. Whether normally for the church preacher to resort to advertising in mass media? To notify through mass-media it it is normal. Though here really there is a problem because advertising character of modern culture contradicts bases of orthodox ethics. And consequently we lose to sects. There comes, say, any mean preacher from California, and about it on all city posters hang: “the Outstanding Thinker: The one Who will answer all questions!”. I cannot so to speak. It is inappropriate for the orthodox person — so to speak. Be I the baptist, under me there would be any special fund which would be engaged both promotion, and the organisation of everything, and there would be a planning of meetings, trips, life in Moscow and on the country … At me is not present it. From the point of view of Church you can justify such situation? The justification only one: Промысл Divine it is that. For me, as for the detached onlooker, you hardly probable not the unique appreciable orthodox missionary. Whether there is in our Church a system approach to mission business? I do not know. I am not the employee of Missionary department or Department on work with youth. I do not know that there becomes. Paradox of my situation that behind my back anything is not present. I come to Ukraine, and there nationalist newspapers write that there has arrived “the agent of Moscow”. But, unfortunately, I not the agent of Moscow. Moscow anywhere did not send me. If I come, means, there is a local interest, here people call. In Ukraine speak: “we, unfortunately, do not have the Kuraev” You see the Church opposes clonings. Father Andrey, you were one of the first clerics who after 1991 has entered into walls of the Moscow university and began to give lectures about forbidden, about the spiritual. What reaction of your listeners was? Actually, in the Moscow State University father Artemy Vladimirov, in 1990 was the first. At first it were the single meetings, the overflowed halls. Father Artemy, then I read some times. Perhaps, I was the first who in general from Church has come to the Soviet university, but it was not in the Moscow State University — and in already mentioned Kolomna. And how there are your relations from the Moscow State University? I have begun the first regular course at journalism faculty — in 1991, in the autumn. I bring sincere condolences to students who have fallen victims of my experiment. I was brought by rather widespread illusion. Each undergraduate respecting and the post-graduate student, naturally, considers that he on the speciality knows already all. And I, when have started to give lectures in the Moscow State University, too considered that I know much enough: university, postgraduate study, seminary, Academy, Theological institute... But criteria with which the student approaches to knowledge of a subject, absolutely others, than at the teacher. When I as the student pass examination me important simply to find in the memory of a material for 10–15 minutes of conversation on a ticket theme. It even is a lot of … the Student, as a rule, reads a material, only when looks through questions to examination. And if at the sight of a question it in a head has two-three thoughts he considers: “Well, I already know it, and the rest I will imagine — have gone further”. Here with such luggage you graduate from the university, then seminary and Academy, where very similar situation in sense of intensity of study. And self-confidently you consider yourself as the person more or less formed. And lecture goes an hour and a half. And that it was serious and interesting, the teacher should state no more that to third that he on this theme can tell. Then there is any safety factor, there is a creative relation to lecture, it is possible to change, adapt its each time. When I have started to give lectures at university, I suddenly with horror have found out that all my knowledge has sufficed exactly on three lectures. That is twelve years послешкольной studies — at university, in postgraduate study, then in seminary, in Academy, at Theological institute in Bucharest — all it has sufficed me exactly on three lectures. After that I have understood: everything, is more I I know than nothing. I, of course, was horrified from the ignorance. But just during that time I had an original situation in life, there was a lot of free time so I presumed to myself on нескольку days to prepare for the one and only lecture. I have forced itself to study, as a matter of fact, for the sake of my students, to read those books which very long time ago should be read which are included into classical library of history of divinity, philosophies. It was necessary to re-read seriously all it — any more eyes of the student which wants to pass test. To systematise. Therefore the first course of lectures, first two semestre is there was a silent nightmare. As far as I understand, students were the same opinion. And now any new problems in connection with your lectures in the Moscow State University have appeared? Probably, yes. As I come back in the Moscow State University to each lecture from missionary trips, happens difficultly to be switched from a mode of popular lecture to lecture academic. But the main thing is the appeared stability. Know, after all 10 years it already there are more it is invariable: every Friday at half past three in the first line audience of the first humanitarian case there is my lecture. So somewhat I already became a part of a university interior. How you manage to hold audience in such pressure throughout enough long time and listeners still have desire still to listen and listen? In what a secret? Easier, before to start to give lectures, I have tried to realise, I love what lectures, what I heard good lectures at university, in seminary, in Academy. And here it appears that practically at all teachers who and me are expensive and interesting, and students love them, besides knowledge, speech, there is one interesting approach to a material statement. They make a start from some stereotypes: “Here you think that here business was so, and actually all is much more interesting, more original, in own way противоречивее, and can be, in general at all so”. And I from the very beginning built the lectures too by this principle. That is I start with those sample representations which can be in consciousness of my listeners, and I offer other, deeper perusal, understanding, nuances and details. And it creates sensation that the lecturer carries on dialogue not only with the listener, but also with itself. In the Moscow State University to me have charged to teach on the terms of rather original: my lectures for anybody are not obligatory, and to whom it is interesting — please, come. And here, me it is necessary, that students have not simply come to me on one-two time, having become interested in a cassock and that they all year after all lectures, on an empty stomach, without a dinner even two hours sat also me listened. It was possible to achieve it, only if to correspond МГУшным to standards of interesting lectures. And still I should admit that I after all professionally am not prepared for teaching work. I have not read any book on art of rhetoric and on гомилетике (to art of the church sermon). I do not take in hands of books on psychology. Did not read even Carnegie, not to mention every possible occult technicians of type нейролингвистического programming. I meaningly do not touch this world — because I consider that people cannot be manipulated. I simply try to think together with audience, to be with it in dialogue. Because with that big amazement and laughter I have met "acute" supervision рериховских the spies who have visited at my lectures: “Who could not keep up with flight of thought of the preacher, could observe of style of work диакона. Amazed its ability to own audience. How to overcome natural psychological barriers on a way to souls of diverse audience? It is possible to go by the way of the valid, benevolent relation to people and to hope that hearts of people will open for perception. But such approach is unacceptable initially. What respect can cause a bog? Here the special technics is necessary. Audiences the rhetorical question is asked, the small pause during which time people have time to think is maintained:"Certainly"."Master"gives the opposite answer:“ Is not present! ”. In a hall there comes death silence which testifies to hit in the apple — people appear in confusion, in shock, protective properties of mentality are paralysed, "filter" is removed, the road to consciousness is opened. Now it is possible to speak anything you like — the paralysed consciousness should take all in all good faith. In mind there are not less shocking questions: “That this such — lecture of the orthodox preacher or a session of mass hypnosis with application the technician нейролингвистического consciousness programming? Where it is possible to appear after such lecture — in herd Christ's or in a psychiatric institution? Unless use of such methods is not violence over the person? ”. Other example. In advance prepared questions on which nobody knows the answer are asked. For the erudite and the expert on traditions it is not difficult. Prolonged silence or unsuccessful answers are made comments harmless“ эх, you ”, and the mechanism of the underestimated self-estimation is put in action. Silent reaction of a hall is easy for counting:“ What we all the same impassable ignoramuses and numskulls ”. A direct insult and humiliation it you will not name. So on-iezuitski refined people are brought to self-belittling, loss of elementary human advantage so are dexterously exhausted in is obsequious-obedient herd”. I hope, my students will read this "examination". Why hope? So after all then I will not need for them to prove that рериховские preachers неумны and are dishonest. Understand, it is possible to tell about my listeners, likely, much (as they very different), but here one precisely it is impossible to tell — that they “is obsequious-obedient herd”. That is you always put yourselves to the place of those to whom lecture? Yes. Somewhat I even read books their eyes. That is when I read the book I notice not only that is interesting to me, and I mark and I try to remember that, perhaps, it would be necessary to tell to the person here such warehouse: here this fact is interesting to conversation on this theme, here this argument it is necessary to remember for the sake of such dispute and so on. And only when you understand that each information is functionally necessary, remember is easier. Whether atheistic formation helps you with missionary activity? Certainly, helps. It has given the chance to me to take a detached view of Church. Now I try to look in the conversations at a problem eyes of the person not concordant with me to understand it. So it is easier to me to build dialogue with people. The missionary should be a few schizophrenic: he should speak and thus there and then to listen to itself(himself), and not the ears, and ears of the interlocutor and the opponent — as from its position will apprehend that I now will tell. If this “шизофреничности” is not present, the monologue by a principle “with itself I will turn out I conduct conversation”. And how similar style of dialogue with secular audience became possible? Whether there were at you problems in the beginning of your activity? High level was always or it began a little in another way? With style of dialogue of problems was not, because at university I had to protect constantly belief in the face of the classmates, acquaintances, friends. Also there was a skill of apologetics and conversation in language, clear to students, scientists. Then, studying in seminary, I drove excursions on ЦАКу (to the academic museum) much; basically it there were people not church, for the first time met Church. And you are not confused with that fact, what you now teach from chair which was called until recently as religion and atheism chair? In my opinion, we now mutually are proud of it: the chair is proud of that has brought up me; I am proud of that in my biography there was such exotic fact. And where it is more interesting to you to teach — in theological institute or in the Moscow State University? More difficult and more interesting in the Moscow State University. First, I nevertheless first of all the missionary. Therefore to address to already believing audience to me it is less interesting. Secondly, work in the Moscow State University learns to be responsible for the words (and even to withdraw them). After all at my lecture students, post-graduate students, and at times and teachers from the most different faculties sit. And, means, I should be extremely careful. Because, if I inadvertently will come for an edge of my competence then there will be in a hall people, more me knowing physics, biology, history, philology which there and then will correct me. Such happens. It is very healthy and for me it is useful — that was not “шапкозакидательства” that there was no work in a genre “has come and I speak”. Each step should be proved. And, by the way, can be only thanking here to this school which I as the lecturer has taken place in the Moscow State University, I till now on freedom. After all tactics of sectarians is known: journalists and preachers who prevent to work as it, tell truth about shady sides of their doctrines and an expert, sectarians wear out on courts. Submit the claim behind the claim — us have supposedly slandered. Such attempts were and concerning me. I live in constant expectation of court. I remember it. And consequently I write and I say only that I can prove references to sources or another's researches. Besides — accurately I divide my estimated judgements from actual messages. And what purpose for you your lectures in the Moscow State University? I ask students to concern me as to the most usual teacher: “you have special courses about the Edging, about Platon, and, having heard to them, it is not obligatory to become neither кантианцем, nor платоником. As well the purpose of these my lectures not in that after their termination you were christened”. But I hope that, having taken a course on Orthodoxy, two things students all the same will feel: first, some taste, experience of reflexions on religious themes will be brought up; and then, having met sectarian preachers and books, they will notice, how all it is primitive. And the second — at them remains certain послевкусие: sensation of that Orthodoxy — difficult, serious, paradoxical religion. Perhaps, will pass decade before students will come to Church, but they will have at least a memory that the Church is a space of human life. That conclusion which I would like to embody in memory of people, is not those or other any concrete my words, arguments or citations. I would like, that there was any general sensation of that in religious area it is possible and it is necessary to think. It is important because the Soviet people have been brought up in belief that the religion and reason are incompatible. In Soviet period of this "incompatibility" did a conclusion: “I choose reason, and down with religion!”. And today the pendulum of public taste has shaken in the opposite side, but stereotypes all the same remained, therefore the modern mass consciousness again speaks: “Time the religion and reason are incompatible, I choose religion, and down with reason! Барабашки, fly!”. I hope that in university lectures I manage to abstain from agitatsionno-propovednicheskih intonations. You suppose cribs at the examinations? There was time, I doubted, whether it is possible to put bad estimations. At first there was a fear: the pier if I put the deserved two or a three, the person will leave from me with a bitter deposit, and, it will keep quite probably, this bitterness and in the relation to Church. So the low estimation can appear an antimissionary act. The pier, is more important, that the student still had kind impression of the student of dialogue with the orthodox missionary. Has then understood that it is dishonest. At examination I am a teacher, instead of the missionary. On the other hand, students will very quickly feel falseness. It will turn out that I try to bribe them marks as natives a beads, I entice them into Church “пятерками”. In general, I have decided to be the usual teacher. I do not put "automatic machine" of the five and I do not make advances to students At times at me and orthodox young men receive the two – if they hope to "come up" on the general theological erudition... My course nevertheless too author's. Therefore I allow to use both cribs and abstracts, and books. To students it is all helps a little. It is enough to set one-two question also it becomes clear: the person that speaks understands or not. Whether often you meet from audiences, which your lecture “to a bulb”? Almost always with it begins. But to draw to itself attention of students, I in ладоши do not clap. But I can strike on vanity. For example, to declare that in yours тьмутараканском university the Moscow professors not too often act. To remind that I the most spoilt lecturer of Russia, and at my lectures listeners quite often stand in passes and sit on steps. And in general consider my lecture by inspection from Moscow: “That such your university? It is a TECHNICAL TRAINING COLLEGE, bought a university signboard, or the educational institution of the higher class is valid? I am not going to spend force for forcing you me to listen. Kohl to you it is boring, all right to go out. But after that do not consider itself as people of a science”. After such introduction the attention always increases. But under a condition if has already taken place a part of lecture and at least an audience part has understood that here something other, than tediousness habitual by it or pressure authority. That is this argument works only when to it other arguments in favour of have been shown that our dialogue is worthy of it to be continued. By the way, I with surprise have learnt that at provincial universities the lecturer telling without a piece of paper, in general is perceived as a miracle. And the most interesting case was, perhaps, at historical faculty of the Brest university. It seems that teachers марксисты have adjusted in advance children to arrange to me obstruction and противостать “поповской to propagation”. And on a lecture course (and it was on quite secular theme about the reasons of scientific revolution of 17th century) remarks from a hall and interrupting questions constantly sounded. Eventually I have decided that I will not show an example of "the mild Christian”, have sharply replaced intonation and have told: “Means so, children. To learn me to that Marx wrote, it is not necessary. I have ended philosophical faculty of the Moscow State University with the red diploma, and I know Marx better, than you”. The sitting next dean Brest истфака suddenly changes in the person and asks: - Yes ive? And in what year you ended the Moscow State University? - IN 1984. - Who at you was завкафедрой? - Novikov Michael Petrovich. - And … Yes, I know it … He/she is the serious expert... Please, dear colleague, continue. All student's opposition it vanished as if by magic. About the secular university education, in the world of modern cultural and media elite it makes sense to mention acquaintances in order that in me have ceased to see блаженненького the alien who has hopelessly got lost in centuries. That you know, I know also. And the laptop at me is, both a mobile phone, and the site on the Internet. And I learn news of a rock music not from MuzTV and when in the studio Yury Shevchyuk puts to me the sketch of the new song …. But besides I know something большее and I can present to you it. Hearing about it, people understand that Orthodoxy is the world in which can live and the modern person. This world - for them, and not just for grandmothers. And, means, it is not necessary to postpone the occurrence in Church to a retirement on intellectual physical inability. Some people confuses that you in lectures by time pass on street сленг … It is a lie. “Street сленг” is a floor-mat, and that's it it you from me never will hear. I can use words not from street сленга, and from a universitetsko-student's lexicon. However, I can use a lexicon of different social groups — when and if I transfer another's speech, in the citation. And I always интонационно it underline that here now I "play", I transfer a train of thought and speech not the, and certain “the character from life”. From myself I can sound only the native, student's lexicon. There is, for example, the most complicated problem of mutual relations of the "small" and "big" people, in particular, a problem of the Russian-Jewish relations. And in attempt to explain to the Jewish oligarchs and journalists that safety of the Jewish diaspora in Russia depends on that, how much warmly, неоскорбленно, неограбленно Russian people in the country will feel, I can tell so: “When Gulliver“ колбасило ”, Liliputians“ flattened ””. But thus, if it is necessary, I warn listeners: “I have a right to speak so. At you — is not present. You at first seize literary Russian, classical norms of speech, and then it will be already possible for itself to allow dialecticisms. The tenth-grader has no right to“ an author's punctuation ”. Солженицын — has such right. Here and here. I know Russian in all variety of its styles — from Church Slavonic to student's. Therefore also I can recede for a minute aside from the MHATOVSKY standard. Here when you, my dear students, be able as to vary the language means then if necessary can go my way. For now — learn rules!”. My critics simply badly know Church history. Well, tell, whether the cleric “now кейфую” can tell? Whether To the person it is to the monk? And to the bishop? And sacred? And meanwhile, the Hermit has told so prelate Feofan. However if and really someone is confused by my lectures — I am sorry about such people. I am sorry, understanding, patience and prayers. If to touch claims to you among them there will be also that at times in your lectures frank enough sexual plots … get over Yes … I Am afraid, it is necessary to tell that at those who from my lectures takes out only it, at problems in this sphere. Actually the sexual subjects sound at me besides only in citations. If I retell pagan myths which actively use sexual language what for I will soften their sounding? The modern person is too deafened by neopagan propagation. He does not know original pagan myths, for a sign with them on the stopped audits of Kuna. And while to it you will not show the real I bend paganisms, he repeats all that the paganism is “affinity with the nature”, and here Christian tearing away from paganism is a fanaticism. That — it is necessary to allow to people to smell pagan портянки. About paganism I consider necessary to tell more truths. If this truth is disgusting and has gone is not my sin. Today “intelligent people” that there was supposedly the light paganism preaching affinity to the nature too like to sigh a little, and there was it such harmless and esoteric, and here there was then this terrible, fanatic and ascetic Christianity … Here very much even it is necessary to remind people pagan myths not in their retelling for children, and in their real appearance: with debauchery and masturbations, castrations and partitions of corpses, with содомией and каннибализмом … |
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