Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3406

2011-12-19 06:58

Prasadam distribution (Books)
Prasadam distribution (Lectures)
Prasadam distribution (Conversations)
Prasadam distribution (Letters)
Distribute prasadam, and chant Hare Krishna. For the mass of people this is the only medicine
Everything belongs to Krsna. He'll give you supply. You have to attempt only. So chant Hare Krsna and distribute prasadam, your movement will be success
Give them nice prasadam by which they are attracted. It doesn't matter khicuri, puri, kacuri, ladu. That I want
I have also appreciated the photos showing you distributing Prasadam and performing Kirtana. Southeast Asia is a very good field for our activities, so you should continue vigorously in the same way you have been
I want that you shall distribute prasadam at least to hundreds of persons daily, and advertise very widely all over Nadia Province for people to come there and take prasadam daily without charge
If we believe that Krsna is providing and maintaining everyone, then why should we be misers? We are confident Krsna will supply! Let the whole world come, we can feed them
In Panihati, following the order of Nityananda Prabhu, Raghunatha dasa observed a festival - cida-dadhi-mahotsava - by distributing chipped rice mixed with yogurt
In the evening after ceremony of kirtana is observed, light refreshments like fruit and milk, boiled potatoes may be taken and the next day general feasting and distribution of Prasadam to public may be observed
It is a very good idea for people to come to our vegetarian restaurant and take so many nice things, especially the panir, fried cheese, and sandesh, kachori, rasagulla, samosa and in this way they will forget their meat-eating I cont.
It is nice that we are feeding 200 daily, but gradually try to increase. But do not advertise, we shall be self-advertising. And do not go to poor areas, this is not our philosophy
Keep them alive. "Simply because we have opened a center, the business is finished." No. Alive means this morning class must go on, evening class must go on, there must be regular program for prasada distribution. Busy. That is alive
Lord Visnu should be offered everything, and His prasada should be distributed to all the demigods
Mangala-arati sweets, they should be distributed amongst the children
Many people have mentioned the nice prasadam distribution program in our New York Temple. I have heard also that on Sundays there are 500 people attending. So there is tremendous scope for preaching
Marriage is not recommended. Are you prepared to get a job, live outside the temple in apartment, provide the wife with bangles, saris and sex? Better you concentrate on this chanting and hearing process, teach others and give them prasadam
Music and dance and distribution of prasadam are the main items of my Krishna Consciousness propagation, and they are acting so nicely
My only desire is that our temple must be a living temple by chanting Hare Krsna Mantra and distributing prasadam as well as distributing books to the intelligent class of men
Now I am especially concerned to distribute grains, rice, wheat in the form of dahl and rice prasadam to hungry people all over India
Observe many festivals, that will keep both public and devotees alive. Temple means festivals and festivals means chanting and distribution of Prasadam
One should distribute sumptuous prasada, considering everyone a part of the Supreme Lord, but one should not juggle words to make a poor man Narayana
Our Krsna consciousness movement distributes krsna-prasadam, and those who eat such transcendental food are sure to become devotees of the Lord. This is a very scientific method
Our procedure is very simple and consistent. We chant, we read from Bhagavad-gita & Srimad-Bhagavatam and we distribute prasadam
Regarding your schedule of temple activities, it is approved by me. So please continue this program of classes, Sankirtana, Deity worship, offering and distribution of Prasadam, and working in Krsna's service S
Simply by liberal distribution of prasada and sankirtana, the whole world can become peaceful and prosperous
That is our real business, travel and preach, distribute literature and prasadam. I want now that all of my GBC secretaries do my work
The Krsna consciousness movement vigorously approves this practice of preparing food, offering it to the Deity and distributing it to the general population
The idea of distribution of prasadam is long standing, and I suggested this from the very beginning of my missionary activities, both in New York and in San Francisco
This Ratha-yatra, Radha-Govinda seva, prasada distribution. Only the new thing I am doing-writing of books by the order of Guru Maharaja. Otherwise, whatever I have introduced, I was trained up in childhood. I simply imitated. I am simply surprised
This food distribution program is to be done very, very nicely as I have already written in my last letter. Generally people make a plea that why are there so many hungry and naked. So we invite all hungry and naked people to come to us
Try to concentrate on these farm projects. Let the villagers come and hear, and distribute prasadam. In this way draw their sympathy and gradually they'll become our associates. Then they can come to live with us and work with us
We are simply Sankirtana men; our program is chanting, dancing, distributing prasadam, and speaking high philosophy, that's all
We should hold sankirtana as much as possible and distribute prasadam. Gradually when their heart is softened, then we will talk of philosophy, not in the beginning
We will present our program at Bhaktivedanta Manor exactly in the line of Lord Caitanya, by kirtana, prasadam distribution and speaking from Bhagavad-gita
When I took my own apartment I did the same thing, distributed prasadam; then, gradually, they came forward to assist me
When a devotee distributes prasada, remnants of food offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in order to maintain our spirit of devotional service we must accept this prasada as the Lord's grace received through the pure devotees
You have written that chanting, dancing and book distribution are going on nicely. Prasadam distribution should also be introduced. This will make the program even more effective
You write to say that with prasadam and the Maha Mantra we shall conquer over the world. That was the beginning of my program in your country. I thought like that

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Categories: Prasadam | Distribution | Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness - Umbrella Category | Communicating, Distributing, and Sharing - Umbrella Category