Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3398

2011-12-19 06:56

Flesh-eating (Books)
Flesh-eating (Lectures)
Flesh-eating (Conv. and Letters)
According to Vedic injunctions, however, only ksatriyas are allowed to hunt, whereas sudras are allowed to eat flesh after offering goats or other insignificant animals before the deity of goddess Kali or similar demigods A cont.
According to the law of necessity, first of all human society must try to produce food grains and vegetables, but if they fail in this, they can indulge in flesh-eating. Otherwise not
If a king, being afraid to meet rogues and thieves, kills poor animals and eats their flesh comfortably at home, he must lose his position
If you want to eat flesh, then you can get a goat and sacrifice before Goddess Kali and you can eat that. The idea is not to encourage, but to restrict
In Kali-yuga, due to the increase of the modes of passion and ignorance, almost all men are asuric, or demoniac; therefore they are very much fond of eating flesh, and for this end they maintain various kinds of animal slaughterhouses
In cases of emergency, one may be allowed to live on the flesh of animals of all description, but that does not mean that there should be regular slaughterhouses to feed the animal-eaters and that this system should be encouraged by the state L
Lord Siva is also a great Vaisnava and never eats nonvegetarian food, and the goddess Kali accepts the remnants of food left by Lord Siva. Therefore there is no possibility of her eating flesh or fish
Meat-eaters, according to their different positions and the directions of the sastra, are allowed to eat flesh, but never the flesh of cows
People have given up all this restriction. Now they are regularly opening wine distilleries and slaughterhouses and indulging in drinking alcohol and eating flesh
The flesh-eaters may be allowed to take flesh as mentioned in the scriptures, and not otherwise. Intoxication of all description-even smoking cigarettes, chewing tobacco or the drinking of tea-must be prohibited
We cannot expect that all of a sudden, being addicted to so many bad habits, your countrymen, will give up eating flesh, taking intoxication, sex-life, and so many other nasty things, and become overnight great self-realized souls. That is not possible

Related categories

This category has the following 2 related categories, out of 2 total.

[+] Amisa (1)

[+] Animal-eating (21)
Categories: Flesh | Eating | Meat-eating | Nonvegetarian | Vegetarian | Nutrition and Health - Umbrella Category | Bodily Activities - Umbrella Category | No Intoxication, Gambling, Meat-eating, or Illicit Sex - Umbrella Category