Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3379

2011-12-19 06:51

Communism (Books)
Communism (Lectures)
Communism (Conv. 1968 - 1975)
Communism (Conv. 1976 - 1977)
Communism (Letters)
According to spiritual communism, one cannot possess more than he needs for his personal maintenance. That is the law of nature
Bhagavata communism
Bhagavata-dharma, there is ideal communism
Chinese Communism will be perfect if they take little instruction from us. We are also Communist, Krsna Communist. We want that everyone should be happy
Communism is a movement of sudras, and capitalism is meant for vaisyas. In the fighting between these two factions, the sudras and vaisyas, gradually, due to the abominable condition of society, the communists will emerge triumphant
Communists are very expert in distributing their literature, their propopanda
Either you become communist, socialist or capitalist or this "ist" or that "ist," the real disease is bhoga-vancha, "How I shall enjoy this world" E cont.
Everything belongs to God; nothing belongs to us. This is Bhagavata communism. As the communists, they say, "Everything belongs to the state," we say "Everything belongs to God"
For the benefit of the human beings, the capitalist kills the poor animals. Similarly, the communist does the same thing. Where is the difference?
I am a little hopeful that if we preach in the communist countries, they will like it
Ideal communism
Ideals of spiritual communism
Material communism
Modern warfare waged between capitalists and communists is due to their avoiding the advice of Srila Rupa Gosvami regarding atyahara
No hammer. That will be our emblem. Only sickle. Not hammer. The hammer has hammered the whole human civilization. So just make a counter-emblem. The communists will appreciate
Real communism
Real communist we are
So far my experience is concerned, everywhere I go, people are the same. It is by artificial, I mean to say, means, they have been designated as Communist and this and that
Spiritual communism
Spiritual communism means... T
The communists have an idea for feeding human society, but our idea is expanding. We want to see even a snake not fasting
The ideals of spiritual communism, according to Srimad-Bhagavatam, are based more or less on the oneness of the entire human society, nay, of the entire energy of living beings. The need is felt by great thinkers to make this a successful ideology
There are many impersonalists within our experience who renounced this world to merge into the impersonal existence, but being baffled there they come down again to the material world to find out engagement as altruist, philanthropist, communist, etc
Unless he changes mentality, there is no question of changing capitalist or communist or this or that. It is all useless
We are trying to be happy by changing cells - from capitalism to communism
We don't mind whether you are communist, capitalist, this ist, that ist. We want to see whether you are utilizing your human intelligence for right purpose. We don't condemn anyone
What is the difference between your movement, communist movement, and my movement?
When there is a little hope of success in these countries, it encourages me 100 times more than in other places. If they take up this Krishna Consciousness, they'll take it very seriously. This is the perfection of Communist ideology
When we accept the leadership of God and His direction, that is religion; I don't think on principle the Communist can change this idea
Without being God-centered, Communism will fail
You become a communist and make the present imperfect idea of communism perfect

Category: This Ism or That Ism