Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3376

2011-12-19 06:50

There is no God (Books)
There is no God (Lectures, BG)
There is no God (Lectures, SB)
There is no God (Lectures, Other)
There is no God (Conversations)
There is no God (Letters)
Because the people became atheist, so Lord Buddha, just to take them under his control, he also collaborated and said, "Yes, there is no God, but you hear me." But he is incarnation of God
Being embarrassed by so many theories and by contradictions of various types of philosophical speculation, one becomes disgusted or angry and foolishly concludes that there is no supreme cause and that everything is ultimately void B cont.
But if you can prove scientifically that there is God, that is successful. Otherwise, it is nonsense. If you prove that there is no God, God is dead by scientific method, it is simply lunacy, craziness
Don't claim that you are God. Don't claim that there is no God. There is God, and He is great, and you are small. Then what is your position? You have to serve Krsna. This is simple truth
God is supplying us everything, although we think, "There is no God, God is dead," and all nonsense you may say. But it is due to God's grace that you are eating daily. That's a fact
If you want to forget God, challenge God, "There is no God. God is dead," then He'll give you such intelligence that you'll always think that there is no God, that God is dead, like that. He'll give some arguments
Lord Buddha preached that there is no God
Lord Buddha said, "All right, there is no God, but you surrender to me." Then where is the difference? That means one has to accept the authority of God either this way or that way
Lord Buddha said, "Yes, there is no God. There is no God. There is void only. But you believe me, what I say." Just see. He is incarnation of God, and the people amongst whom he is preaching, to them he is saying, "There is no God," but he is God
Lord Jesus Christ, he was tortured. So he was crucified, but he never agreed that there is no God. So that should be our motto. This is following. Either you be Christian or be Hindu or be any, but be God conscious
One who says, "God is dead, there is no God," he's a rascal number one. Nothing else. Immediately take him he's a rascal number one S
Some of you are saying there is no God, some of you are saying God is dead, and some of you are saying God is impersonal or void. These are all nonsense
The atheist may declare like that, "There is no God," but he will see God as death
The atheists directly say there is no God, and the Impersonalists say there may be God, but He has no form. It is indirectly saying that there is no God
The scientists can falsely, improperly declare that there is no God, but this is not a fact
Their position is sour grapes. They try by their speculation to understand things, and being unable they say there is no God
There is no God. God is dead. I am God. You are God. So many Gods are loitering in the street. Why you are finding out God? These are so many statements. So God has become so cheap
They say, "There is no God," and God says, "Yes, you see Me at the time of death"
They're being punished every moment, every step, "No, God is not there." All right. Wait a few years more, God will show either you are dead or He's dead
Why these rascals, they deny there is no God, God is dead? Because they want to continue their rascaldom without any restriction

Categories: There Is No | God | Atheism | God - Umbrella Category | There, Is, and Are - Umbrella Category