Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3370

2011-12-19 06:49

Atheism (Books)
Atheism (Lectures)
Atheism (Conv. and Letters)
Atheistic philosophy
For one who acts impiously and ignorantly because of atheism, the resultant hellish life is the worst I
If, instead of treating the people's inherent disease - atheism - the leaders simply show a superficial sympathy for the disease's symptoms, certainly there will be no benefit whatsoever for suffering humanity
Mayavada philosophy misleads people to atheism
One is accepted as atheist who does not believe in the tenets of the Vedas. That is the sum and substance of atheism
Our only fighting is against atheism, godlessness. This is our main fight
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu clearly said that because Mayavadi philosophy is disguised as Vedanta philosophy, it is more dangerous than Buddhism or atheism (sunyavadi)
Sri Sankaracarya, by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, compromised between atheism and theism in order to cheat the atheists and bring them to theism T
The atheistic philosopher, they think that this combination of prakrti and purusa is without any aim, without any idea
The atheistic, demoniac education imparted to the young in modern universities is simply producing a bunch of demons with titles
The desire to merge into the impersonal Brahman is the subtlest type of atheism
This is going on now: atheism. Big, big professors, educationists, they're also in this opinion. I have traveled all over the world. One Russian professor said, "Swamiji, after this life, there is no... Everything is finished." But that's not the fact
Your question why Lord Siva was ordered to appear as Sankaracarya and teach the Mayavada philosophy to turn the people to atheism and thus increase the population - that nobody can understand

Related categories

This category has the following 5 related categories, out of 5 total.

[+] Buddha and Atheism (15)

[+] Mayavada and Atheism (2)

[+] Questions on... Atheism (6)

[+] Sunyavadi (7)

[+] There Is No God (26)
Categories: Atheist | This Ism or That Ism