Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #32402011-12-19 05:32wrong to follow Srila Rupa Gosvami’s advice in Bhakti-rasamrita- sindhu: “If possible, one should physically reside in Vrindavana.” Since any devotional service performed in Vrindavana yields a thousand times the result, one year of such service would yield the result of the same service done elsewhere for a thousand years. Thus if the average lifespan were taken to be eighty years, then one year of para-upakara-based pure devotional service done in the dhama would be equivalent to more than twelve lifetimes of the same para-upakara devotional service done anywhere else in the world. That is the extraordinary power of this holiest land of Bhauma Vrindavana, as confirmed by the statements of the Gaudiya Acaryas, in particular our Srila Prabhupada. Practicing while physically residing in Vrindavana all varieties of favorable internal and external devotional service for the benefit of others is the best way to practically capture the essence of a vraja-vasi’s selfless service attitude. It is the best way to expedite one’s progress in the affair of realizing the radiant para-upakara nature of one’s own sthaii-bhava as an eternal resident of Vraja. It is the best way to expedite one’s progress in the business of accumulating the heaps and piles of krita-punya-punjah mercy-credits in one’s transcendental bank account, actually required for directly joining Krishna’s bhauma- lilas in the siddha-deha. It is the best way to expedite one’s progress in the matter of gaining the internal qualification required to actually preach from the platform of ultimate perfection. If for any reason one cannot take full advantage of this greatest spiritual facility manifest on Earth by the mercy of Lord Krishna and His purest internal devotees, then taking shelter of the Holy Name while endeavoring to assist Lord Caitanya’s Sankirtana Movement wherever one may be, one must endeavor to cultivate feelings of separation from Vrindavana, based on intensified desires to attain eternal residence in Vrindavana. Kripa kori’ koro tare vrindavana-vasi. Then one may also gradually augment the purest para-upakara nature of an unalloyed vraja-vasi by guru and Gauranga’s divine grace. Some fools foolishly foolosophize that performance of the yuga-dharma has very little if anything to do with the internal culture of raganuga-bhajana. They hastily relegate nama- sankirtana to the realm of externals – sankirtana being, of course, the business of the masses and mere ordinary bahiranga-bhaktas (external devotees). Their tendency to do like this, however, simply demonstrates their utter incompetence to reasonably grasp the inner significance of the eternally comprehensive, broad-spectrum sankirtana principle that undoubtedly fosters both external and internal devotional evolvement. They really ought to be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. Hari-nama-sankirtana, as well as its extension in the form of transcendental book distribution (brihat-bhagavata- kirtana), when sincerely and purely done for the Lord’s exclusive pleasure, in fact naturally and very easily elicits within the heart of a deeply introspective devotee a profound, indelible impression of the soul’s latent constitutional stri disposition. One thereby becomes acquainted with the soul’s true position as part of the cooperative aspect of Shrimati Radharani…’s complete-whole loving game plan. Stri, the feminine influence, refers to the principle of expansion. When the stri principle is pervertedly reflected in the illusory material dimension, where both so-called males and so-called females are deranged, misled, and corrupted by a false male egoism (purusa-abhimana) aberrant to the original temper of the soul, it manifests as the expansion of a mayic “man’s” loathsome all-entangling empire of mundane egocentric “enjoyments.” The pure spiritual aspect of this stri principle, however, exists diversely in all pure constitutional rasas (dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya) proportionate to the degree to which masculine consciousness is discarded in deference to the intensified unalloyed selfless service temperament that extends to the standard of parakiya- bhava where the stri dynamic expresses its maximum deliciousness. Serving to blissfully expand the empire of the Lord’s satisfaction, Krishna’s transcendental stri enjoyables purposefully entangle Him in the loving network of amorous interpersonal reciprocity on the spiritual platform. Radha, Lord Krishna’s adya-shakti, is known as mula-prakriti, the original root of all expanded varieties of prakriti, which is intrinsically female, or ontologically the enjoyed aspect of the Absolute. The infinitesimal jiva (para prakriti), characteristically possessed of the spiritual stri quality expanded to a minute degree, is designed to in some small way facilitate or help to expand the happiness of the supreme enjoyer, Shri Krishna. This transcendental stri function of the pure soul is most thoroughly fulfilled when the subordinate “she” cooperates to fulfill the purposes of the stri empress, Shri Radha, by directly or indirectly serving to increase the Lord’s variety of enjoyables. Purely conducted sankirtana of Radha-Krishna’s all attractive names, forms, qualities, and pastimes enables the practicing devotee to tangibly experience what it is to function in that way, because, through its performance, the devotee, aside from personally pleasing the Lord, naturally serves to expand Krishna’s pleasure empire by inducing a myriad of souls to come forward to serve Him for His satisfaction. Thus, by performing sankirtana-yajna, one becomes scientifically acquainted with the true essence of one’s intrinsic stri nature, which undoubtedly finds its peak expression in all perfection as a follower of the transcendentally flirtatious damsels of Vraja. As such, it should be clearly affirmed that shuddha-nama-sankirtana and the perfection of Krishna consciousness, augmenting vraja- prema-bhakti-rasa, go together very well. The performance of yuga-dharma hari-nama-sankirtana, when inspired by a conscious greed for vraja-prema, powerfully augments one’s merit in the matter of attaining the transcendental loving service of Radha-Krishna’s nitya-lilas. Such sankirtana, done in pursuit of the madhurya-bhavas of the Vrajavasis according to one’s personal taste (sva-ruci) would thus be accepted as nija-abhista-bhava-sambandhi (connected with one’s desired sthayi-bhava or constant ecstatic loving mood as a vraja-gopa or gopi). It is not merely because the physical bodily senses of the sadhaka-deha are externally engaged in activities of devotional service that one’s actions must be characteristically categorized as vaidhi bhakti. It is the motivation factor, the internal absorption behind the actions, that establishes the status of one’s activities more than anything. When lobha, or greed for the ultimate attainment of the moods of Vraja, prompts their performances, both sankirtana of the Holy Name and transcendental book distribution, done purely as yajna for the satisfaction of Lord Caitanya, no longer function as vaidhika duties. Rather, they ascend to the path of spontaneous loving service and become celebrated as potent constituents of raga-bhajana, bridging the apparent gap between external and internal affairs. At this juncture, it would not be superfluous to firmly reiterate that, strictly speaking, the sole objective of the bhagavata-marga is to augment raganuga-bhava. With all due respect for the topics under discussion, one should mark with utmost interest that the internally perfected realization of one’s eternal spiritual identity (vraja-svarupa), whether achieved by the practice of antaranga-bhakti-bhajana or by kripa or by both, would immensely enhance one’s preaching proficiency and efficacy. Therefore, it would not look at all well for a resolute pure devotional aspirant to childishly neglect to recognize the intersupportive nature of sankirtana and antaranga-vraja-bhakti-bhajana. In this age, sankirtana-yajna is the vital force of inspired antaranga-bhajana, and conversely, beatified antaranga-vraja-bhakti-bhajana is the essential dynamic behind superlatively empowered sankirtana. My dear most loveworthy and merciful Radha- Shyamasundara! May the broad-minded, forward-thinking souls evermore respect these deliberations, which are replete with profound concerns for advancing a more progressive culture of antaranga-bhakti in the lives of Your seriously dedicated sankirtana devotees. Please let those essence-seeking, deeply introspective, softhearted individuals who patiently and sincerely read or hear these verbose utterances very soon attain the highest transcendental happiness (paramananda) in the spontaneous loving service of Your lotus feet according to their innermost heart’s aspirations. Third Heartfelt Effusion My dear Shri Shri Radha-Shyamasundara! Crying at the lotus feet of Shri Guru, one very fallen and destitute soul humbly offers to You the following unrestrained stream of prayerful outpourings for Your kind and considerate audience. He Radhe Shyama! When, by a stream of unprecedented tenderheartedness, will the cowherd girls of Vrindavana bestow upon this wretched person the most blessed birth within the cowherd community of Varsana? When, by the mercy of my beloved guru, will I appear as a resplendently delightful young damsel of Vraja? I will never mature beyond the end of my twelfth year and will remain ever intoxicated with luscious freshly blooming vama-madhya love-fascinations. My bewitching spiritually perfect bodily features and transcendental voluptuousness will lay to shameful waste all the most beauteous and supposedly charming froglike women of the lower, middle, and upper planetary systems of this cosmic creation! By Your beneficent, divine benediction, the laksmis of Vaikuntha, the queens of Dvaraka, the enlightened ladies of Mathura, and even the sakhis of Vraja Dhama will highly esteem the irresistible prepossessing pulchritude of my person! My transcendental slender-waisted, nicely hipped figure, the color of creamy golden honey tinged with a rosy hue; my sweet face with deeply charming, dark, kajjala-lined doe eyes; my blissfully arched cupid’s bow eyebrows, flawlessly flanking the elegant tilaka on my forehead and circumscribed with captivating kasturi gopi-dots; my elegantly raised nose adorned with a chained, honey-pearl nose ring; my luxuriantly soft and smooth rosy cheeks and rapturously sportive, glistening honey- moonbeam playfully smiling cherry lips; my jasmine-entwined, long braided locks of glossy, dark bluish-black softly curling hair, bedecked with clusters of campaka flowers and falling nearly to my feet; my deep crimson, splendidly embroidered, silk-satin choli, bountifully brimming with newly blooming adolescent grace; my iridescent indigo skirt and scarlet diaphanous veil, embellished with ornately embroidered alternating Radha-golden and Shyama-bluish lotuses, which I received from the lotus-bud hands of my tenderhearted mistress, Shrimati Ananga Manjari; and the matchless supra- celestial, sparkling sapphire-studded, golden earrings, mangtika, necklaces, armlets, chiming bracelets, finger rings, waist-bells, delicately jingling nupura ankle-bells, and toe rings, adorning my graceful limbs; my everything: my heart, my mind, my words and deeds, and my entire existence – all this will be ever absorbed in the mercy-mellows of our eternal reciprocal loving intimacy. Indeed, by the interceding, pity-laden appeal of my beloved guru, Your very acceptance of my heartfelt supranatural amorous aspirations and Your mercy glances of profuse grace upon my humble existence will render the entire cosmos along with the powerful controllers of the fourteen worlds utterly subservient to me! To augment the nuances of paramour love, unlimitedly gracious Purnamasi-devi will arrange for my marriage to an overconfident, dunderheaded cowherd boy from the village of Yavata. Though outwardly feigning fidelity toward him, I will not be the least interested in keeping his company and will never ever allow him to defile me or, for that matter, so much as even touch a hair on my delicate body, which I will have dedicated exclusively for the prema-sevas of Your pleasure pastimes. While speaking deceptively charming candy-coated blather, I will cheat him and my in-laws at every opportunity, to escape the dungeon of household duties and flee into the forest to faithfully serve Your nectarous nikunja-lilas. Having been magnetically drawn by the captivating song of the flute, I, deeply immersed in parakiya-bhava, will eternally reside by the beautiful banks of Radha-kunda within the skillfully secluded, idyllic, mind-alluring, bliss-pervaded Vamshivadadanandada Kunja near the northern ghata in the enchanting grove of Shrimati Lalita Devi. My ornately filigreed golden entrance-gate arbor, lusciously entwined with vine- clusters of intoxicatingly fragrant malati, juhi, and madhavi flowers, frequently attended by swarms of intoxicated buzzing bumblebees and butterflies; my splendidly inviting, personally landscaped love-bower, bordered by luxuriant, consecutively coupled, multicolored, sparkling gemstone-like kalpa-vriksa trees and spiraling kalpa-valli creepers, concertedly bearing six- seasonal sweet and fragrant fruits and flowers of all description; my enchanting winding garden walkways, glowingly paved with intricately picturesque emerald, ruby, lapis lazuli, crystal, honey-golden onyx marble, and moonstone mosaics of elaborate paisley and supra-celestial leaf, fruit, and flower designs, flanked by thick moss, ferns, and varieties of lush, sweet-scented flower bearing verdure; the adjoining intermittently situated, divinely engraved, tastefully gem-bedecked, comfortably cushioned golden bliss-benches beneath the beautifully bending bows of over-laden kadamba, campaka, bakula, ashoka, parijata, radha- chori, Krishna-chori, and lovely land lotus trees, graced with adjacent meticulously sculptured elegant crystal swans, magnificent emerald and sapphire peacocks, and unblemished translucent marble supra-delightful, rapturously poised, flirtatiously dancing love-maidens; my privately placed, splendidly domed, black-and-gold onyx garden gazebos, beautified with many flower-creeper-embraced, delightfully festooned, exquisitely carved ivory-inlaid pillars and arches and replete with varieties of irresistibly engaging pleasure accoutrements such as large and small, multi-colored, super-soft silken pillows, firm, satin-covered love-bolsters, elegantly carved golden pitchers and goblets for supplying refreshing, cool water and ambrosial nectar drinks, as well as jeweled pan boxes and moonstone-studded golden spittoons, plus camara whisks and large hand-held peacock fans for creating cooling and festive breezes; my indescribably sweet and attractive, immaculately sculpted cintamani crystalline kunja love-cottage, intimately nestled amidst maze-like, consummately love- inspiring forest-flower-laden courtyards, intriguingly arranged rock gardens, exotic flower gardens, blissful tulasi groves, and charming, sweet-scented vineyards continually filled with the symphonic twittering, warbling, cooing, passionate crying, and sweet-talking of many varieties of parrots, mynahs, peacocks, swans, cranes, gulls, doves, pigeons, sparrows, and finches always ecstatically responding to my love-lorn constant singing of Your Holy Names – He Radhe Shyama, the splendor of my personal abode cannot be suitably described by a mere string of words. When, in the course of Your never-ending love escapades, will You, by Your unlimited kindness, periodically come to see my exquisitely enchanting private vilasa-kunja as one of Your favorite secret pastime paradises? He Radhe Shyama! When, mercifully coming to grace my delightful love-bower, along with Your dearmost beloved Shrimati Ananga Manjari, who is the goddess of my very life, will the two of You simultaneously, from both sides, embrace me and kiss my cheeks, knowing me and my everything to be Your very own? He Radhe Shyama! When will I be invited into the services of Your eternal eightfold daily pastimes within the all-blissful love-groves of Shri Vrindavana? I will ever-attentively in every way selflessly serve to augment Your absolute delight. Sometimes I will sweep Your pastime-cottage with my long curly locks of hair. Sometimes I will massage Your exquisitely beautiful limbs with fragrant oils, bathe You, dress You in splendid garments, and decorate You with incomparably charming flower ornaments made by me and my friends, just to see them become mercilessly mutilated by Your reckless ravaging love play. Sometimes I will gently wave a fan of peacock feathers to remove the drops of perspiration produced from the heat of Your heart’s passion for each other. Sometimes I will blissfully offer You varieties of intoxicating honey wine to initiate the jubilation of a million cupids. You will reciprocate by forcibly inducing me to drink as well, after which I will not be able to clearly articulate what Cupid did or did not do to me to enhance the munificent expansion of Your pleasure pastimes. And sometimes, when You are in the mood, You will ask me, Your unworthy maidservant, to sweetly sing from the core of my heart, while playing the svara-mandalika-vina in ragas appropriate to Your delightful bhavas, which naturally accommodate my own desired mood of ever-loving service. O He Radhe! When, in Your assembly of sakhis, will I get the chance to see, with my own blooming eyes, incomparably lovely Lalita Sundari forcing her way between me and Lord Shyama while endlessly rebuking Him with the most outrageous, audaciously sarcastic criticisms to prevent Him from capriciously ripping at my upper garments? When will I, my glistening honey-sweet lips slightly smiling, relish, with a love-laden sidelong glance the nectar of His ambrosial, crestfallen face at that time? And when, in Your smiling presence, by Your incomprehensible kindness, will I ever whisper into His ear, “I love You too!” as Your enchanted, whimsical Shyama, knowing me to be Yours, passionately embraces me to His heart? When will I become so blessed as to be in Your company when Your lover prankishly accosts You along a narrow footpath, demanding amorous favors as an excise for Your invaluable loads of carefully concealed bodily beauty? When, as clouds rumble in the sky, will I, hiding my blissful smile behind the corner of my veil, apprehensively witness the witty way the unreliable Shyama boatman entreats You to step into His old dilapidated boat on the banks of Manasa-ganga at the foot of Govardhana Hill? What uncommon price will the uncommon lecherous gardener demand of me as payment for even the least of His uncommon tree-grown pearls? O Radhike! Will that day soon come when I will delightfully embrace the moods of the sakhis, who, with clever insistence, forcibly assert Your rulership over the forest of Vrinda as Your messengers remonstratively demand, at Your behest, a tax on all the produce from Shyama’s newly harvested astonishing garden-crop of pearls? He Gandharvike! When will I personally witness Shyama’s indescribably sweet masquerade as Your new sakhi, His disguise as a young female snake charmer, His bold intrigue as a distressed demigoddess, His impersonation of Your foolish husband, His emergence as a wild, ferocious beast along the forest path, and His many other guises all donned when circumstantially needed to access Your loving embrace? When will a certain inconsolable maidservant become happy upon seeing You accept the dress and appearance of Subala Sakha to escape Mother Jatila’s vigilance? My heart will ever revel in the ecstasy of these pastimes. He Vrajadhipe Shri Radhike! The ambrosial pastimes of Your two delicate lotus feet are an ever-enchanting limitless mercy ocean of sweetness! In this world, the perfected antaranga-bhaktas standing at its shore are sprinkled with a few mist-drops of the nectar spray from the crashing waves of that ocean. I, fortunately encountering the seaside-breezes coming through the merciful lotus mouths of my beloved guru and all the eminent Acaryas in disciplic succession, have now become maddened by the mere scent of that ocean’s proximity. Not caring for the opinion of others and firmly disallowing anyone or anything to come between me and my ultimate attainment, I, though blinded by tears of intense simultaneous hope and desperation, nevertheless hasten to get a glimpse of that ocean of premamrita. He Praneshvari Radhe! When oh when will I, with a purest heart, be privileged to selflessly and most intimately serve Your wonderfully enchanting rasa dance festival in the company of Your beautiful sakhis and most enchanting kinkaris? Sometimes I will play on the vina, sometimes I will flutter on the flute, and sometimes I will delightfully sing on the fifth note while blissfully reciprocating Your beaming smiles. Sometimes I will clap my hands or chime the karatalas in time with the various rhythmic drums that serve to set the pace. Sometimes, when Your unlimitedly charming younger sister will, on Your indication, prankishly pull frantically protesting me by the hands into the circle of twirling gopis to dance by her side, You will make Your ever devoted Shyama dance with each of us in turn! When He catches hold of my hands, spins me around, and embraces me by the neck, maddening me with the intoxicating aroma of His avid cupidity for the nectar lips of Your loyal, unalloyed maidservants, at once my tongue will desire to become hundreds of tongues with which to taste the honeydew sweetness of His kisses! My jubilant nose will desire to become thousands of noses with which to relish the ambrosial fragrance of His arms! My eyes will want to become millions of minnows to swim in the nectar ocean of His unfathomable handsomeness! My ears will wish to become billions of goblets with which to quaff the elixir of His fearlessly forward, flirtatious flattery! My two virtuous, budding raised breasts will shamelessly yearn to become a host of freshly blossomed saffron-pollen-besprinkled, honey-laden golden lotus flowers to enrapture His intoxicated- bumblebee-like heroically roaming eyes! My hands will want to expand by the trillions to check His persistent whimsical pinching! My horripilating thighs will urgently require quadrillions of empathetic reinforcements to sustain my all-but- swooning everything! And my mesmerized mind, intelligence, happy heart, and soul will ever remember, honor, and favorably serve, for Your exclusive satisfaction, the shoreless mercy- ocean of the peerless pastimes of Your tender lotus feet! Dearest Shrimati Radharani! When, at the end of Your nocturnal love festival, as I serve to satisfy You with extraordinarily delicious, aromatic pan, will You and Your sweet-hearted Shyama whisper about me into each other’s ears, knowing the treasures of Your lotus feet to be the most cherished hope of my heart? He Radhe! When, having awakened from this dreamlike conditional material existence, the miserable affectation of male egoism long forgotten, will I find myself automatically rising to smilingly muse upon Your Shyamasundara’s distinctive love marks on my person, still bleary-eyed and languid with fatigue from the previous night’s rasa festival? Bewildered by a mixture of lingering loving sentiments, feelings of eternal gratitude, and a stirring awareness of the urgency of my impending morning services, I will happily enter Your kunja wind-palace with a few of my friends to behold the boundless beauty of Your tightly embracing dark and fair sleepy forms. When will You, hearing our softly arriving tinkling anklets amid the sweet early morning warbling, cooing, and twittering of Vrinda’s waking chorus of many kinds of love-filled birds, my arrival gradually dawning upon Your still drowsy, half-open eyes, sweetly request of me just a few minutes more, anticipating the imminent distress of Your lover’s pangs of separation? Then and there I will worship you with an aratrika of ten million glowing smiles! As the starry firmament slowly fades into the emergence of a new day, I, stealthily returning unnoticed to my in-laws’ home, will burn with an overwhelming desire to constantly serve You in a myriad of ways throughout the day and night. |
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