Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #320 Re:

2011-12-17 02:49

Gita is about not just religion. Krishna Himself says to give up all kinds of dharnas or religions. But He says - to surrnder to Him INSTEAD. So it is not that Krishna, GOd is teaching atheism. He is not just saying "give up everying, any religion". No. He says. - it is not enough. So. He gives more than just dharmas. Dharmas may change from one life to another. But eternal relgions., eternal sanatana dharma doesn't change. And this dharna is chanting Hare Krishna mahamantra. It is for coming 427 000 years- it is main process till next Satya Yuga. And we have just some 10 000 years to go back to Godhead within thin 10 000 years. Next time Krishna will come only after some other 8 600 000 000 years... So... if they think it is extrimism - then they will not have Gita for next 8 000 000 000 years... So sad. Their misfortune. So what to do? Prabhupada came to USSR, and he did n't know what to do... He was wondering... What can be done? They let Prabhupada in USSR just once. In 1971. And then his few disciples came in 1974. And that's all. We know that from some religion-sectologists books. But then after Prabhupada disappeared (was he posisoned???), then his disciples came to USSR, and they were perscutred. And also disciples of Prabhupada in USSR. They had Bhagavad Gita, and translated it in Russian. So that's is how Russain Gita differnt from many others. Because it has experience of protection of faith agasint ahtiesm. BEcause for Russia there is no choise - either become complete fool and atheist and not to be delivered for millions of days of Brahma (1 000 000 * 8 600 000 000 years), or become Hare Krishna. All other religions cannot give good alternative...