Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #295 Re:

2011-12-17 01:58

yes, it is a book for a living being, for all souls in any of 8 400 000 species of life. If one chants Bhagavad Gita aloud - he can deliver different living beings. If one chants aloud- sankirtana - he can help living beings around who hear this. So even animals plants birds fishes etc - they can sometimes be better than some people. People have mind but often they misuse it against God, or become blind on own religion, thinking that there is no soul and no God in other religions. Does it mean that "only my religion has soul and God idea, but all other religions have no ideas of soul and God? No, but there is gradation. Like in currency. All money is equivalent to gold. But we have USD, Euro, Russian ruble etc. So if we see that one currency is better than another - it is relatively. Becasue they have same golden equivalent - gold. So in religion there is same equivalent - rasa, taste. So in Krishna consciousness - there is higher taste, higher rasas like having relationships with God as relative, friend, mother, father, brother etc. Chrsitianity says that one can be only son of God. What about daughters of God? What about brtohers of God? But Krishna has brother (Balarama), He has mother Yashoda, Nandana, Nanda - His father, right? So does it mean that GOd is born like simple human? Well, some materialists think so. But they are better than atheists (mayavadis) who think that Krishna is zero or matter or maya illusion. Well of course there are also impersonalists who try to say that KRishna is not a person, that one has to surrender not to Krishna as SuperSoul, Supreme PEsonality of GOdhead, but to some "unborn within Krishna". But this is what Prabhupada was against. He said that such atheists are rascals. Though they can be some 1st 2nd 3rd class karmis or jnanis or yogis, but they are still rascals. Becasue by such comments they try to kill Krishna, even when writing comments on Bhagavad Gita. Well, maybe there are not so many of such people, but there are hundreds of editions of Bhagavad-Gita. So Gita must be given without misrepresentation. THen it is AS IT IS...