Save Vine!


/ #585

2016-10-28 22:50

I started Vine April 24th, 2014, and my life has never been the same. I was on the verge of suicide, struggling with major depression and a miriad of other mental and physical health problems. I decided to make a video, and it got 3 likes. I was ecstatic! I didn't post very often, but I was on every day, from the moment I woke up until way after I should have been sleeping. I found an outlet. I heard so much good music and comedy, and it led me to find some of the most amazing things that have changed my life. In a way, Vine was a mediator for everything I've ever watched. I remember the day I saw this great edit of this great guy, so I looked up "Markiplier". I was blown away. I've found so much that I don't want to let go because a big company wants to save a little money. I cannot thank the people I follow enough for introducing me to Supernatural, Dan and Phil, Markiplier, jacksepticeye, Game Grumps, Captain America, Tumblr, KickthePJ, Sherlock, American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, my first LGBT community, a place I feel safe, countless bands, and amazing music, among many other things. I don't want this to be over.