Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s


/ #8327

2016-05-19 10:51

this match is really unfair for Thailand. Thai team can not make substitution in the last of set4 (made Thailand's plan destroyed and lost in set4)
after that in set5 , Thailand team also can not make substitution in many important time because of the tablet. Thai coach try to inform to the referee about this problem but he just give the red card with no any explanation, no reason or even tried to listen to Thailand coach and player for fixing this problem. not only for the substitution but also the challenge that the Japan player foul, the referee also don't care and give the red card with no reason. it made Thailand team shock with a shame referee and finally lost the game with confusing emotion to the unfair consideration from the referee. he didn't even try to interest about tablet problem and question. he look absolutely in Japan side. this corruption can not be accepted and fans of volleyball will blame on this clearly cheating decision of the referee and we also blame if FIVB take side with Japan team just because Japan is the main sponsor. It's call CHEAT. please be fair to every team in the world and have a fait investigate of the shame referee. Stop making the Olympic qualified contaminate anymore.