Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s


/ #1088

2016-05-19 03:21

This match between Thailand and Japan is not fair. The referees are judge too severe by give the red card to Team Thailand especially the 2nd red card and give Japan the 14th Set point , Please describe why they judge like this. It is not Thailand fault Because All of this resulted from the unusal system of Tablet in the challenge and changing player such as Why Thai can't but Japan can change player in the last 4th set >> Very disappointing , And in the unsuccessful challenge of Thailand to the of foul Miyachita No.2 that she touch the line at the net face to the 2nd referees but referees doesn't see . It is impossible and Thai can't challenge this . All audiences worldwide see this. You know??? Please give the fair Thailand