Un-ban #GiveItUp - Nathan Sykes



2016-04-28 19:16

Nathan is one of the most hardworking people we know.There is NO ONE who would have worked harder on this video than him and to see that its been banned is absolutely heartbreaking. There are music videos on music channels now a days that are must more expicit than this one. I wont name any but there are female celebraties who are pretty much naked in their videos but when a male artist decides to show a bit of skin it is completely turned away.

What happened to equality? this is exactly the same. If a female artist is allowed to be in her music video with see through clothing allowing viewers to see everything then a male artist should be allowed to show a bit of skin. It is natural for men to take their t-shirts off that is seen as allowed in the real world on hot summer days so why isnt it allowed when it comes to a music video?

I don't understand it, i hope this is taken seriously because no one deserves to have their talents recognised more than Nathan Sykes. hes so genuine and so lovely and deserves all the recognition in the world!