Stop the abuse


/ #184

2016-04-04 22:15

 It is one thing to have an opinion about the goings on in FWC in Plaster Rock, it is another thing all together to spout off incessantly about the church in a public forum tarnishing the name of Christians everywhere. The horrible actions of a so called Christian minister are his actions alone, not the actions of the Christian community at large. I am a Christian. I stand for Jesus Christ and try my best to live as Jesus would have me live. I do not belong to FWC and I am not a member of that congregation. I do know Dana Mckillop, since childhood and I'm now over 60. I attended that church until I was 15 years old and couldn't be forced to go anymore. Now, having said that, I understand as you should, that God is not responsible for the actions of unjust and false teachers. Here is the problem. Public talk about that particular church  and pastor. If the people making the allegations are telling the truth, and they may very well be, why leave such a huge black mark on the face of Christianity because of the actions of a  Reverend Jones want to be? Solution; Use legal channels to prove your case, and be rid of Dana Mckillop forever. If you are telling the truth, the truth will come out. If you can prove your case, do it! If you can't, wait until you can but stop destroying the good name of real Christians by such a public display of hate towards Dana Mckillop. If you destroy the name of Jesus Christ by your actions, how are you any better than Dana Mckillop who it seems has ruined so many lives by his actions. Dana Mckillop is not God,,FAR from it. Don't place him on a pedestal where he doesn't belong. Please, for the sake of true Christians everywhere, stop making it look like all Christians are like Dana mckillop. As I said. Prove your case in court against Dana McKillop, but stop putting Christ on trial. Jesus was tried unjustly, condemned unfairly, and killed for being the only perfect individual to ever walk the face of this earth. Stop trying to crucify him again because of Dana McKillop. The bible says, vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. Let God handle it. For all of the true and sincere bible believing Christians out there, regardless of what church you attend. If you will sincerely pray daily that God will intervene in this, He Will! You don't have to do anything else. Let God have control, let God be the judge. Have faith, have patience, and pray. God will work it out. If you don't believe that, then it is you who needs help. Turn to God and he will solve this for you. One God, one way, Jesus.