Alert ! French conservators-restorers are in danger !


/ #22

2016-03-22 04:23

As paintings conservator and conservation scientist I think that the situation related to murky status of the profession is scandalous and requires consolidated action from all professionals requesting for an official due recognition of conservator's profession. Although conservation incorporates a great deal of bench work, it is by no mean a "craft", which is self evident. Conservation is inteletual activity founded on scientific principles in first place and should be classified as interdisciplinary science, comparable to medicine, which also involves a great deal of manual skils (like surgery), but is not downgraded to "arts and crafts". Encore and ECC have been working on a document related to the European recognition of conservator's profession, but this document was not implemented and all conservators should raise their voice requesting that this document is adopted and implemented by the European Commission without delay!