National 4/5 Practical Woodworking


/ #16

2016-02-26 10:28

Issue with storage is something which could maybe be looked at, but, this was an issue which was also raised with old qualification and was addressed through evidence only having to be retained for 3 weeks after completion dates.

With regards the changing of sizes, every centre and every teacher would like to have their own, unfortunately to allow assessment of tolerances etc and consistency, minimum sizes are required. These are specified by SQA for that reason.

Courses are not designed to meet the financial issues in specific centres, but to ensure standards are maintained and that consistency is ensured nationally. Regardless of any sizes given, there would always be centres who would want to reduce the sizes for financial reasons, where do we draw the line?

The courses will evolve naturally as the previous qualifications did. Instigating a petition when things don't go your way in school is perhaps something we would associate more with pupils.