502 Producers & Processors: ACT NOW! Sign this Petition to the LCB!


/ #12 Wish list

2016-02-08 04:32

We need the following to comply with current LCB requirements:
1. High-speed internet (e.g. 1Gbps fiber) to our rural farms to provide internet accessible IP camera systems. The private sector can't or won't provide adequate bandwidth to rural WA. Of course the elementary school nearby has fiber and lots of dark fiber but they're not sharing thanks to exclusive licensing agreements with private companies. Of course there's more fiber a few hundred feet away from the farm but screw you farmers you ain't getting connected because we won't make enough money off you.
2. 5TB USB 3.0 or eSATA external hard drives provided by the LCB any time they request 45 days of video from our 1080p cameras. One hard drive per camera they are requesting data for.
3. Compensation for time working for the LCB (e.g. copying data for several days, 2 hrs of being inspected, data entry into biotrack, etc).