Economic Freedom In Our Life Time Through MMM South Africa


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2015-12-10 02:47

Et last people thinking like gods childrens. For how long people don't do good many people died becouse of hanger?how many children dose not go to school ? How many people sleeps without food? And how many people dose not have just a place to plant food ? So in shot we don't have becouse no money to buy , we want to help each other but we can't becouse no money in our pockets our fellow brothers and sisters young and old all around the world are looking for our help as we are looking for they . We need shelter to sleep above our heads. we need a freind of our stamack which u people know? Without houses and freind of our stamack we feel that we don't have frnds or we are not safe in this of people fst.then u will see the good things happen in every country why should we saffer when we got brothers and our sisters ?? I say long live MMM lOooooooooOOng live