PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down


/ #316

2015-09-19 13:24

Do you have all day because the list is long.
1. He is illiterate ,can't even rread a speech that some one else compiled.
2. He is a disgrace and embarrasment when he opens his mouth and wears his savage animal skins.
3. He is a male chauvinis pig who doesn't respect women.
4. He has a harem and concubines with numerous brats for whom the taxpayer must cough up.
5. He takes corruption to a new level. He doesn't care about taking the country forward. As long as he can appoint loyalists, the more incompetent the better, who will agree with everything as long as they are on his gravy train.
6. He is a selfish low person who didn't think anything to get himself a state of the art private jet while his own people are homeless and starving. Not to mention Nkandla.
7. He considers himself above the law and dodges court appearances.
8. These are but a few reasons that makes him the worst prresident in the history of mankind.
9. Lastly: mass murdere, senile Mugabe is his role model.

Get rid of hm as in yesterday.