Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #2955

2015-05-24 08:17

God said to forgive 77x7. More importantly Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He knew we were imperfect, flawed, able to be tempted by Worldly desires. Christians know we have been given free will by God and Saten will do anything to corrupt and remove us from our family and Christian walk.Yes what Josh did was wrong, his family, parents and siblings should not be removed from TV because of it. As in all things please allow God to use this action of Josh Dugger to help other families who are dealing with simular issues. We have so much evil and distruction on TV , real or created please allow what this family stands for be shared with the world. All I know is we all make decisions we would like to take back and can't but with Gods forgiveness we can get a second chance and hopefully help others in the process.