School Crossing Outside Blakehill School


/ #28 Re: This Post

2015-04-12 09:15

#26: -  

 Hi, first of all I am sorry to learn your Son was  injured here sometime ago.   I found this post whilst researching road accidents/safety near Blakehill school.   There is an outline planning proposal to build houses on the field just before the school.  The field has Horses in it.  I am making an objection on many grounds but one is of road safety of children in and around the School.  This will be worse if this field is developed for a housing estate and also, if and when the Fire Station and the site next to The Highfield Pub are developed for Housing (all earmarked for Housing Developments).  Doctor Hill and Highfield Road are so dangerous as it is at peak school opening/closing times. 


I wondered if you would consider supporting an objection for this housing development given your own personal experience of the horrendous parking/traffic/pedestrian conflicts already present.


The link to the council webiste is as follows:-

15/01066/OUT planning number and called land to rear of 184 Highfield Road

Thank you