Home for Christmas


/ #25

2014-11-11 13:20

Helen, my comments were never meant to be nasty. You are the lady who's broadcasting her business across social media, and of course people are going to wonder how you ended up in this situation with no home for your children. For what it's worth, i really do hope that your son is ok and is given the oppertunity to get better and lead a full and healthy life like any little boy his age should. It's just frustrating to the rest of us, that you seem to be demanding a home from the council when there's thousands of people in the exact same boat. It's a free house, it's not going to be able to be given out straight off the bat. I know carers don't get a lot in benefits but the rest of us who have to go out, leave our kids with strangers and getting fleeced every single way we turn, income tax property tax USC, having 42% of our wage taken from us if we earn over a certain amount, trying to keep a roof over our own heads and then people with your attitude, "I'm entitled to it". Everyone is entitled to a home, somewhere to feel safe, but as parents that's our job to provide, it's not Offaly county councils to provide on a whim. They simply don't have it. There's people on that list 10 years, before your kids were even born who are still waiting. 

Would a hostel not be a better solution than your van, even short term? It's less than ideal but maybe a house on rent allowance will come up while you're waiting, at least it would be warm,