Girls' Latin of Philadelphia


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2014-11-06 00:13

I am a proud parent of a young man who graduated from Boys Latin. The entire four years that my son was there, there was full support, encouragement, tough love, help and then more help and most of all genuine love. Which is what our young men need. It was hard work no doubt but the staff of Boys Latin would let the young men know that the hard work paid off and was worth it. The students were praised and rewarded for thier hard work.But even if a student struggled they were still prasied and rewarded for trying and giving thier best effort. There are so many activities at boys latin for the students to do outside of sports so no one is left out. There is so much I could say about this school. To shorten it. I LOVE THIS SCHOOL. ITS THE BEST. Please open a Girls Latin. I have a young daughter and she will be the furst one one the steps.