Save RHS


/ #146 Save Renaissance High School Arts Department!!

2014-08-23 02:14

My name is Nina R. Scott. I taught vocal music at Renaissance High School for 19 years. During my tenure at Renaissance the students were able to travel to Ghan...a west Africa 4 times, to Montecatini, Italy, and to several cities in Canada. They performed on the stages of Lincoln Center, Alice Tully Hall, and Carnegie Hall twice. They travelled to approximately 22 colleges and universities, performing on the campuses and auditioning for scholarships. Hundreds of students, music majors and students studying in other fields, recieved scholarships who may not have otherwise been able to attend college. The choir was chosen as the best choir in the state by the Michigan School Vocal Music Association twice. Ensembles and Soloists were chosen to attend the pretigious Michigan Youth Arts Festival 11 times.Students who graduated from this program are now college music professors and music teachers, noted performers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, and leaders in communities around the country.The position is currently be taught by my former student, Ms Patrice DeBose. She is a wonderful dedicated teacher who has insured that this program remains vibrant and productive. These are just some of the accomplishments of the students in the Vocal Music Department. The Instrumental and Dance Programs have very similar statistics. This is the program that Detroit Public Schools wants to cut? How can you say that you are working for the students if such a vital part of your schools can be eliminated? Please rethink this decision. Too many students will lose if it is carried out!

I am so glad that so many people are taking on this battle. This is the time for all choir, band, orchestra, and dance students who have ever been helped by a fine arts program to take a stand. Sign the petition!Make your voice be heard.