
/ #38

2014-06-13 13:32

I've been listening to this show for years. Although it's labeled "The Punk Show" it's probably the most interesting and diverse show I've heard on Radio 1, playing everything from folk, reggae, hardcore, mariachi to country. It has got me into so much new music during it's duration and probably contributed to about 3/4 of the gigs I've attended.

It's also the only show I've heard on radio 1 that has it's focus set on music too. Other shows seem to be obsessed with getting social media attention or user interaction. 6 music has enough middle aged mundane chat to make me turn it off at times. But not the punk show the balance is perfect.

The end of this show will be the end of me listening religiously weekly (even if it be on inlayer due to the time) to any BBC radio program.

I think if the people making these decisions actually listened to this show for a few weeks before the decision was made it wouldn't be going anywhere.