End Corruption Now


/ #44

2014-06-01 13:31

Good on you, Scott, thanks. Corruption needs out of my city, out of my tax dollars. Human nature being what it seems, corruption will always be trying to crawl in. So, I think it's partly a flow-rate issue; the rate at which we throw these delinquents out needs to be greater than the rate they get in. And, I would add and request: there needs to FINALLY be a policy of strict, clear and public consequence for these delinquents--and the city and us taxpayers and citizens should be recompensed for their transgressions, at their expense--in real dollars. For instance, how about if Lucy is judged to pay for the reelection costs I must now pay because the FBI and Rick Scott removed her in hand-cuffs as a delinquent? I'm paying the dinner bill for everyone I just mentioned, including the delinquent. Why should I pay for the aftermath? Why shouldn't she? I break your mailbox, I feel I am obliged to fix it at my expense for you. She broke the North Miami City mayor's job. Shouldn't she be on the hook to fix it, at her expense??? I may be uninformed, but I don't recall this happening in 15 years that I've seen in North Miami. Until it does, I don't think it ends now. Without true accountability, it will remain. ----but I'm with you 100% Scott, and applaud you for your efforts, dedication, direction and service.