Long Standing Resident

/ #437 New School - Old Site

2014-05-18 14:05

Whilst many are looking at the obvious problems that surround all schools, and Tunstall will be worse than most, and that is Fact, what plans do the Diocese have for the old school site?

What of some of the residents who live next to the current school, whose families have done so since the school was probably built!

Are they looking happy, or those residents who are being blamed for the move. NO.
The Tunstall Mums website needs changing, and their facts need to be corrected. This whole issue started with mobiles that were only a temporary measure, and about 40 years on, they are still on site! KCC only asked for a permanent strategy to address the ongoing mobiles, not a new school.

Which bring me to an interesting point. Mums and Dads of Tunstall School, you have used the state of these mobiles, quite eloquently, on the campaign to getting a new school, the Deputy Head, similarly at the KCC Planning Meeting identified the need to have windows nailed shut! I seem to remember

So as we know, many of the parents read our comments, indeed, some make postings, are you now going to tell us, that overnight, you are going to allow your children to continue to be educated in "these quite dreadful conditions"???????

Really, Double Standards