Save Fairycroft House

Melanie Fairbanks

/ #34 Find it in your heart

2014-05-02 17:05

Our child goes to a special needs club every week held at the Croft. The building is perfect for clubs and groups as there are different activity zones - one side of the building is great for letting off steam and exercise and the other side for quieter activities. Our child looks forward to going all week as they have very few local friends due to having to go to a special school a long distance away. This is a chance for local friendships and the staff are wonderful. We know they would feel devastated if the Croft closes. The tiny basement with hardly any daylight next door being proposed as an alternative to the Croft bears absolutely no comparison to the fantastic disability friendly premises at the Croft. We hope that people find it in their hearts to keep this wonderful building for now and for the future. We need social contact. We need hope. We need to find it in our hearts to look out for people who need extra support.