Funny petition

/ #56 A sad & unnecessary petition

2011-07-19 10:27

The first thing that strike me in this half baked petition is that no reasonable solution is being proffered on how to extinguish the menace of Boko haram immediately. It is my personal opinion that the JTF SHOULD NOT be withdrawn from the North, as a matter of fact the stae should be militarized and placed under a emergency rule. Please tell me the people who Boko haram is killing, are they not innocent people. Do the bombs differentiate between Christians and Muslims? I will have had for respect for this piece of junk petition if it had called only for the cautioning of the JTF and even a threat to punish any officer found guilty of using excessive force. Lastly, if the USA which is the major upholder and defender of human rights can go into another sovereign nation and kill Osama bin laden in cold blood and dump his remains into the sea then the JTF should kill on sight and confirmed Boko Haram member. Our courts are already overtaxed, there is no need to waste taxpayers money to try animals who kill without a shred of pity for their target. Please re-write your petition as this one sounds like you are a Boko Haram sympathizer.