Army Rebasing at Larkhill South of The Packway


/ #15 Keeping Durrington and Larkhill Separate

2014-03-07 19:52

The key campaign issue is not about just allowing building South of The Packway as far as I am concerned. This is merely one option to achieve the aim of keeping Durrington and Larkhill separate. The preferred sites declared by the MoD for the Services Family Accommodation ( i.e. Army quarters) will result in Durrington becoming attached to the garrison. I am not anti-army and served in the gunners myself. I do not wish, however, to live in a community that is part of a super garrison consisting of numerous artillery units (4 additional regiments will move to Larkhill and the garrison military personnel will double in numbers). I urge everyone in Durrington to wake up to the threat to the independence and nature of our community and to encourage everyone they know to fight for Larkhill to remain separated from Durrington