Flooding of Maidenbower/Furnace Green bridleway

Cllr Duncan Crow

/ #9

2014-02-06 16:14

I have been very disappointed by the letters the school have sent out. The letter in January said that the local County Councillors had "been informed" by the school when the reality was that we were already working on a permanent solution, and the school knew this! The inference to be drawn was that we had been "infomed" but that we were indifferent to the plight of the local community and that we were doing nothing, which is the complete opposite of the truth.


I have spent a lot of time of effort (more than anybody else) in getting a solution and keeping residents informed and yet today's letter from the school fails to name me while naming others.

The Crawley Observer reporting is poor and fails to mention that a solution was in hand. Today they are still tweeting as though nothing is being done, despite the fact I posted my blog article on Tuesday and have been tweeting and Facebooking about the tunnel for several weeks - and yes, they do follow me on Twitter but again like the school, they write as if I have done nothing.

I am very pleased at the outcome but not impressed with how some people have presented it. Thanks again for Hiba for the petiton which was very helpful for Network Rail to see the depth of local concerns about how long this had been going on, although I must stress we had been working on this for some time.

Cllr Duncan Crow.
County Councillor for Tilgate and Furnace Green

Twitter - https://twitter.com/Tilgate_FGreen