NO Annexing and Rezoning Parcels for Proposed Walmart Strip Mall


/ #37

2014-01-03 05:20

I believe there are already enough Walmart businesses in Rock Hill especially with a rumored full Walmart on its way in addition to the two current ones. Along with that, the roads are heavily traveled as it is in this proposed area that it would add additional congestion. The city also has other idol strip malls that could be utilized. Let's revitalize Rock Hill instead of just cramming in another strip mall while we have other areas that could work as well if this store is truly essential for the city. I do not believe that it is essential though considering that within 5 minutes of this location are 3 existing grocery stores, one of which is a Walmart superstore. And it is known that Walmart exchanges their low wage jobs for higher wage jobs. This will only help a few while hurting the majority in the macro effect. Let's not lower the bar for Rock Hill. Rock Hill has a lot to offer as long as we keep it that way.