David Metcalfe
The author of this petition

/ #14 Re: Re: Re: why

2013-12-19 17:36

#13: heart and mind - Re: Re: why

Our morals and humanity were taken away when we joined the EU without a Referendum. You can spend all the money you like on repairing the psychological damage to victims families, but what about the victims themselves who are cruelly taken away? Every time there is a child killed by a Peadophile or a Terrorist plants a bomb and kills innocent people you always hear the same outcry ' They should be hanged!' In my opinion i don't think that it's murder of a Murderer, but life for a life! What right do they have once they have committed such an awful crime, none whatsoever. The current government is the main reason why crimes like this are happening because they are too soft, bring back Capital Punishment and tougher laws and offenders will think twice! And yes we do pay for Prisoners welfare inside where else do you think the money comes from? This country has been too soft for far too long and now is the time to say enough is enough!!