Námsmenn af fullri alvöru - Gegn niðurskurði fjárframlaga til LÍN


/ #38 Re: ...

2013-06-28 01:36

#6: x - ...

The point of the petition is that you will need to complete 22 ECTS per semester to even get a loan INSTEAD of 20 before and the short time people have to change their plans. People have already paid their tuition for next year and with this change won't be able to attend. It is non-refundable. Many courses are 10 ECTS which means that a lot of people will have big problems if they are sick for one day during exams, as make-up tests are now only in the spring in some departments. If you fail one exam in december, you won't get any money untill june the following year. Maybe you should interest yourself in the matter before you shit all over it :)