Dog Dragged to Death

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Dog Dragged to Death.



2012-06-16 00:37

How many people saw this and did nothing? I would have crashed my car into that car, then into the driver. This piece of trash needs to be in jail. How ignorant can you be when you think this is the only way to get rid of an unwanted dog. Looks like a nice car, you'd think the driver would have a brain.



2012-06-16 00:41

Do the people of Korea really want to be considered part of the human race?



2012-06-16 00:57

I hope this mongrel gets caught and named and shamed and thrown in jail!!!!!



2012-06-16 01:07

pena de carcel para este asesino desgraciado , nadie tiene derecho de quitar la vida a ningun ser viviente ya sea ser humano o animal, todos tenemos derecho a ser cuidados y que la ley nos proteja. No tiene nombre lo que le hacen a este pobre perrito inocente



2012-06-16 01:09

This is horrifying. I hope God will return the evil that whoever did this twice over to them. Why and how can humans do these things.

#406 Re: derecho a la vida y al buen trato animal

2012-06-16 01:17

#404: -

Exijimos buen trato y el derecho a la vida de todos los animales de cualquier especia que habita nuestro mundo, que la ley caiga con todo su poder en contra de quienes abusan y maltratan a los animales y les dan muerte .  Asi como nosotros tenemos leyes que nos amparan cuando se comete algun delito, los animales tienen los mismos derechos que nosotros.  Quien dijo que este mundo es solo para los humanos, quien se tomo la libertad de ejercer ese derecho, cuando los animales tienen y forman parte de nuestro ecosistema , nadie, nadie puede arrebarte la vida a otro ser viviente sin ser castigado con la mayor pena legal por asesinar




2012-06-16 01:18

Do not support that country full of animals abusers!.



2012-06-16 01:21

This made me sick. RIP little one, God saw what they did to you, Karma will get them!!!!



2012-06-16 01:29

Sad..Very sad :-(



2012-06-16 03:49

Unbelievable. I'm lost for words once more and sincerely hope that the person responsible for this will be prosecuted.



2012-06-16 03:50

Punish to the Maximum, and never to allow him near any animal ever. Make a poster of his image and share it through out the world.



2012-06-16 04:11

I have to say Korea. Not looking good for you. You can judge a countries moral progress on how it treats its animals. Your not doing good at all. Do you relise it makes us hate you.



2012-06-16 04:19

Ce sont des bâtards



2012-06-16 04:42

Je suis sans voix et sans mot devant tant d'horreur et je n'imagine pas l'insupportable calvaire de ce pauvre chien. Jamais aucune sentence ne pourra être assez sévère a mon gout pour punir ce salaud, alors j'espere qu'il pourrira en enfer.


#415 Re:

2012-06-16 04:47

#401: -


saddly enough, the fact is that most of the time money destroy the brain.



2012-06-16 05:42

I hope these people get the highest possible punishment!! It's so sickening to have something like this happen!!!!



2012-06-16 05:44

This is just unacceptable, and this person/person's need to be punshed to the max!!! We cannot sit back ,and let people like this get away with these abuse's, and harsh act's of violence.. WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE VOICE'S FOR THE VOICELESS AND WE SHALL PURSUE JUSTICE FOR THESE CRIME'S COMMITED TO ALL GOD'S CREATURE'S ..




2012-06-16 05:45




2012-06-16 06:08

that SOB should be dragged behind a car til dead !!!



2012-06-16 06:33

Person dragged to death..How much time do they get.who ever makes the decision..Think if this was your kids dog.



2012-06-16 07:02

there are no words for this... just contempt



2012-06-16 07:09

Let the wicked be punish!



2012-06-16 07:25

People who act violently to animals rarely stop there. This person needs to be punished yes, but they also need help learning coping mechanisms, and to manage their emotions. This was heartbreaking.



2012-06-16 07:51

Animals don't deserve to be abused at all! Would you like it of you were in their position??



2012-06-16 08:21

How will this help the cruel and ignorant people out there to stop treating our precious animals this way? We must do more! Who took this photo? Did they stop the situation? I am requesting more details.