Witham Drum Corps

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Witham Drum Corps.



2016-06-10 09:05

It's great for the kids to be able to get out and have a passion for something and I think it's great to hear them play in a lovely village.



2016-06-10 09:08

Because it's wrong that they should be banned!


2016-06-10 09:13

My son plays in the band, he loves it, it gives him something to do and develops his passion for music and drumming. It's such a great opportunity for the children in the village to be part of, and should be encouraged 



2016-06-10 09:35

As a family we have really enjoyed listening to the group drumming throughout the village.



2016-06-10 09:51

Because I believe this group should not dissolve because of a small minority!



2016-06-10 09:57

Really, I love listening to them, my eldest son is in a marching band back in Leicester they just entered a competition and won they were brilliant and I was so proud, why on earth should they have to stop just because of a few complaints, they kids are actually doing something rather than roaming the streets 



2016-06-10 10:12

I was in the Boys Brigade as a child and I was part of the marching band that use to march through the streets where we grow up. The people in their homes would come out as we marched past and clap and cheer us all on. The sense of enormous achievement, proudness and respect for my fellow bandsmen that I had was overwhelming. The time and effort that goes into practising let alone the team building and social aspect is second to none.
Be proud of them and let them enjoy themselves.



2016-06-10 10:18

It's so important to have things for our young people to do in the village. Let's not lose one unnecessarily. I can only hope that when I have children there are things like this for them to get involved in.



2016-06-10 10:31

Because why should the small voice of some petty individuals destroy the social involvement and development of many more including children.



2016-06-10 10:41

I think that this should never have been stopped. The children are having something taken from them that they enjoy because of a few petty people that live in our village. Hope you continue to get support for this so we can enjoy hearing them play again



2016-06-10 11:09

Fingers crossed this will do the trick.



2016-06-10 11:09

Some people in this village are so sad and need a life the poor kids deserve to do something they enjoy. Whoever reported it enough to make them stop or be stopped I hope you're reading this



2016-06-10 11:22

Really can't believe that people are complaining about kids enjoying themselves. The kids can't do right in this village, people moaning about the youths and now younger kids having an enjoyable time learning an instrument.



2016-06-10 11:27

Because we should never stop children making music!



2016-06-10 11:42

Because our youngsters need things like this to fulfil minds and it gives them a purpose too



2016-06-10 11:44

I live very close to this field and they cause no disturbance to us. It's a pleasure to hear of an evening.



2016-06-10 11:45

Because we don't have enough things in the village for the young kids and the older kids.



2016-06-10 12:05

Because I want my son to go to this and it is lovely listening to them practice in Witham -



2016-06-10 12:07

Music has always been vital in my childhood and any opportunity to give children access to playing music should not be taken away.



2016-06-10 12:27

Why are some people so sad!! Go and live on top of a hill on your own with no one else around! Bring back the drums!!



2016-06-10 12:27

My kids and I love hearing these kids drumming. I am shocked there are complaints about this. So much better these bright kids are doing something constructive, fun and learning, than hanging around street corners bored silly. Think complaining about these drummers is just bloody daft!!



2016-06-10 12:45

Its important children are given the opportunity to take part in a club or sport to promote respect, the ability to take directions and social skills



2016-06-10 12:55

Kids were enjoying this activity. It is harmless fun.



2016-06-10 12:56

Because the drum Corp are being discriminated against. By 4 complaints from local residents



2016-06-10 13:01

Signed, let's get them back, majority defeats minority