Save Southport Art

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2011-05-16 02:53

If it wasn't for my foundation course at southport college I doubt I would have the successful business I have today. I am a self employed designer maker based at the manchester craft and design centre. Brilliant course, brilliant tutors, great facilities. I always say it was my favorite year in education! Save Southport Art!!!



2011-05-16 10:28

Life is like a coat, when the stitches holding seams together unravel there are big holes and important things drop through



2011-05-16 21:00

I attended Southport for 3 years, It was a truly memorable experience, the fact that Southport college (which was founded as a creative college) is even considering closing down the Art Department is a total disgrace, those responsible for this idea should be ashamed.



2011-05-17 12:33

This is outrageous. The wonderful, talented staff have to struggle as it is with their work load and administration. What the powers that be do not understand is that teaching art is far more complicated, time consuming and emotionally draining than most other academic subjects. Students need far more 1:1 time and guidance. Southport art staff are nationally held in esteem as they produce confident, original and dynamic work and potential artists and designers as opposed to the more mundane generic work of competing establishments. It would be a real tragedy to ruin this and make their job any harder than it already is.
Lynne Winstanley
May 2011



2011-05-17 16:13

I am a mature student and if wasnt for Southport College and their art team, I would never have achieved my change in career. Their teaching and guidance gave me enough experience in 9 months to be accepted at University on my portfolio alone. I think its outrageous that the art department is under threat given the rich history it has within that building. Shame on whoever is responsible for this. We know cuts are inevitable in this economic climate but surely doing away with A Levels a few years ago has cut enough corners? Best of luck to the staff and I hope you can continue the wonderful and inspiring work you do.
Debby M


2011-05-19 23:39

The team of tutors at Southport Art and Design have been absolutely fantastic and to think of that department being no more is horrendous! I am a mature student, I did my Foundation there, then my First year BA in Fine Art, The high standard of tuition received was second to none, everything about the department was far superior to other colleges ( this I know because I since have spoken to other students elsewhere ) Two years I spent there, and I am now at Liverpool John Moores University,continuing my degree, thanks to all the support, excellent guidance and inspiration of all my tutors! I have achieved so much due to my time there. PLEASE DON'T CLOSE IT DOWN!


2011-05-20 00:45

How absurd this is the best art college in all of Sefton.
The Art Department IS Southport College. All the other bits where just tacked on later this is an outrage.



2011-05-21 02:16

I am absolutely devastated to hear that they want to close this fabulous, rich, vibrant and unique learning environment. I spent a year at Southport College last year studying Foundation in Art and Design. If it wasn't for the tutors hard work and dedication to enriching our creative talents I would not be at one of the top art schools in the country studying a BA hons in Textiles. I cannot thank them enough for everything that taught me over that all important year, along with organising and taking us on a life changing trip to India. The department put there heart and soul into making sure we got the very best education possible and it is a great shame if the department was to close. It truly was the best year of my life. For all the doors and opportunities it has opened up to me as a young designer I am eternally grateful.



2011-05-21 23:13

I was at Southport College for 3 years & went on to do BA(Hons)Fashion at UCLAN, had my final collection shown at graduate fashion week, worked for high street suppliers in London & am now looking to start my own business. None if this would have happened if it wasn't for the fantastic staff at Southport College who set me up on my way.



2011-05-21 23:37

This is the best Foundation Art Course in Merseyside, it'd be a crime against education to let it die like this.


#11 #11

2011-05-23 01:49

My art foundation year at southport college was one of the best i've ever had in education, the teachers are enthusiastic and so helpful, taking the time to get to know everyone individually, even when i came back a year later and got them to re-write me a new UCAS reference for a different degree they were happy to help. I agree, it's the best art foundation in merseyside and it would really effect the community if it wasn't available for the next generations of people who need a place like it!



2011-05-29 21:15

I am currently in the second year of the Graphic Design course and I think its a disgrace the way the art department is going to be in the future as by the sounds of it, the art department is going to be worse than Hugh Baird College. Over the past two years, the teachers have helped me throughout the course and wouldn't have been able to do it without them especially the Graphics department including Grant, Ruari, Jesamine, Christine, Tony L, Jane, Tony S, Ed, Shaun, Yvette, Steve & Ian from photography stores and some of the other staff including Becky. The past two years have been a really good experience especially working with the other students and the tutors and staff. Although all staff are great at what they do, I would like to say Grant Lewis is a brilliant curriculum leader because he has been there throughout the two years helping with work and personal problems and has worked at the college for the past 17 years so he has contributed a lot to the college and its students. He is like a father figure to the Graphic Design students and he deserves to be recognised for his work and the time he gives to his students. I would also like to say Christine Cody has to be recognised for her work too, she is a great pastoral tutor as she spends her time on helping us find a job or with student finance. Finally, what Southport College is going to do to the art department is a bad move as the staff have been working together for years and have made friendship with the students and staff; The art department is like a family especially Graphic Design.



2011-06-04 14:25

I studied at southport college during my art foundation year. It was the best most valuable year of my life. The staff and facilities where amazing giving me the basis for the rest of my career. I am now a fashion designer at Topshop. I seriously wouldn't be where I am now if I didn't do this course at southport college. Please listen to the comments on this petition we dont want this department to be cut. It would be a terrible loss.

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2011-06-04 19:50


#15 drama

2011-07-30 22:53

I personally want to pick drama at college and many other people do too. If you do get rid of it, it will be awfull, I AM FOR KEEPING THE DRAMA COURCE