Stop LaSalle from fining residents for feeding feral cats in the TNR program

The Town of LaSalle, Ontario has issued a fine to Tom and Peg Hickson for responsibly feeding 2 feral community cats in their neighborhood, even though there is an exemption in the bylaw for this exact thing. These cats have been identified by Windsor Humane Society as Community Catscats14.jpgin the TNR program ,which means they are fixed, vaccinated and microchipped. Our Town proudly advertises on the LaSalle Community page that they are in partnership with Windsor Humane for this program. The Town offers vouchers to "Resident caregivers" of feral cats to get them spayed and neutered, and then turns around and issues fines for feeding them. We are talking about 2 cats here not a colony! We are asking anyone that has any compassion for animal welfare to sign this petition so Council and Administration will have no alternative but to do the right thing!

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