Fallout 76 needs more Enclave Content! 🇺🇸

Dear Bethesda, 

As a Member of the Fallout Community I've stuck through the beginning and so have hundreds of thousands of others. The people love fallout 76 through its worst times and it's best times because it's always brought camaraderie and a mostly positive community to friends and family alike. 

We even take money out of our accounts and give them to your organization in the hopes that money will be used as both as means to provide for yourselves, your families and to make the experience of Fallout 76 even better. 

Bethesda I believe is trying to do the right thing and in this Petition I finally state that the right thing to do is give a large part of the Fallout 76 Community what they've been asking for. What we've been asking for in part is more Enclave content such as Quest's, Armor/Armor skins, Weapon/weapon skins, Camp additions that show alliegence with The Enclave or Enclave Items for camps, and finally to bestow the knowledge that We love The Enclave for not what its done Lore wise in the game... We Love it because we love America. As patriots from many backgrounds, ethnicities and Religions we are all unified under Our Flag and our Constitution. To give us More Enclave content you are giving us the tools to help build America again.

This petition is drafted and signed from the players of The Fallout 76 Community. 

James Cantu, Member of The Enclave Discord    Contact the author of the petition

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