Expansion of Public & Non Profit Child Care

There is a shortage of quality childcare centers in all of Ontario. As many people already know, The Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care is looking to change that, by establishing a curriculum-focused childcare center in many areas. We ask that you show our community leaders that you support us on this adventure. As parents, guardians, and caregivers, it is your voice that matters, let it be heard. 

Ontario must limit for-profit child care and expand only in public and non-profit sectors to ensure quality, stability, and accountability. Every dollar must go to our children, not into corporate pockets. The government of Ontario must ensure that all new childcare spaces will be in not-for-profit programs.

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— Mahatma Gandhi

Sta-sha Nelson, Bhanoomatee Rambaccussing, Kamal Preet Brar, Flora Duenas Lozano, Marsha Barrett & Zuhal Gharibyar    Contact the author of the petition

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