Exempt Students From Chapel Fines Due To The Delta Variant

After emailing back and forth with Olivet Nazarene University's Student Development, COVID Task Force, and Vice President Woody Web, the clear answer to what is being done for students who are uncomfortable attending mandatory chapel while the Delta Variant is imminent is: Nothing.  Exemptions will not be allowed if a student is not comfortable, meaning students will continue to be issued fines for not being in attendance.  This is, in essence, fining students for doing what is best for their personal health.

We, the students of Olivet Nazarene University, have already offered up multiple suggestions, such as waiving chapel fines and/or splitting chapel in half: Half of the student body attends Wednesday Chapel, while the other half attends Thursday Chapel.  Every single one of these solutions has been blatantly dismissed by the administration of Olivet.

We humbly request that you take a moment of your time to sign this petition that would waive chapel fines for students who are uncomfortable puttting themselves at risk every Wednesday and Thursday by being packed into chapel with 0 distancing policies.

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