Employ post community service professional nurses in kzn

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Employ post-community service Professional nurses who were exorcized after their hard work in Healthcare facilities

We plead with the department of health to employ or absorb professional nurses who rendered their community service in different facilities in KZN.

These professionals served the department during hard times of a pandemic during their contract, at the end of the contract period they were dumped to the streets to look for jobs more especially those who are from Private institutions(Universities).

As post-community service PNs we are very much aware of the shortage of nurses in different facilities and we believe that those facilities are in need of professional nurses.

Employment of these professionals will assist in delivering a quality health care to the clients and also lower the stress level and workloads in currently employed nurses.

Nobody has ever explained to us(University graduates) why do the hospitals and primary health care facilities have never absorbed our fellow colleagues.

We have worked hard and delivered quality health care to the patients but we feel like when it comes to opportunities nobody thinks of post community service professionals who are university graduates.

Please recognize us. We need jobs

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