Dogs destroyed

Starting this petition to get the dogs removed and destroyed that killed ruby on monday afternoon will my 72 year dad had her out her afternoon walk. She was 14 years old and no dog or family should have to go through what our precious ruby went through and what we are going through with the dog warden and police all they can do is issue them an order and the police need to wait till the court decides. They dogs should have been took away as soon as the police turned up. I have already emailed the mp and the head of dumfries police about it cause this is the second dog from that house that has attacked another dog luckily the last dog survived and the owner got bitten as well. Thanks all for reading this and thanks to everyone for there love and support to my family. I am still living and working in germany so feel a bit helpless out here but am doing everything in my power over the fone and online to get justice for ruby and our family. IMG-20220605-WA0001.jpg

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