Cut ALL Goldhill Common Grass
Cut all Goldhill Common Grass
We the undersigned call on the Chalfont St Peter Parish Council to cut ALL areas of the Goldhill Common grass this Summer, and to divert monies saved from scrapping the failed uncut-grass scheme into fixing surrounding paths’ and roads’ crumbling surfaces.
Please note your House name/number, Road name and Postcode details will not be visible except to the author - required for verification purposes.
Dear Fellow Goldhill Resident,
SIGN THIS PETITION to fix the unsightly Goldhill Common Summer mess.
The reduction in usable area by NOT cutting Goldhill North side grass areas:
- Costs MORE of your council tax money than were it cut (according to CSP Parish Council) as it has been certainly since the 1970’s, until recent years
- Creates a road hazard by pushing traffic coming up from the village into the middle of the road, and reducing car driver visibility
- Causes misery for Hayfever sufferers – esp. young children walking to/from school and the village, from the grass seed-heads and resulting dense grass pollen zone
- In spite of these downsides, this scheme has failed to give us the promised spectacular splash of colourful flowers
PETITION to have the paths & potholes fixed and scrap this Politically Correct waste of our money!
Please join me in requesting a Common Sense (terrible, but irresistible pun!) approach, by signing this petition - by Sunday 26th MARCH.
Regards, David.
Please note your House name/number, Road name and Postcode details will not be visible except to the author - required for verification purposes.
This petition has been published and promoted by David Meacock, 'Kavit', 35 Layters Close, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks. SL9 9HS.
David Meacock Contact the author of the petition
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