Connect Aldington to Fibre Optic Broadband


We the people served by Aldington (NDALD) telephone exchange request that the core of Aldington’s homes and businesses, currently directly connected (EO lines) to the exchange and therefore not able to get the higher speeds that come with Fibre Optic Broadband, ARE connected by the siting of Green Cabinets outside of the exchange and elsewhere in the village where required.

We are a growing village with dynamic businesses and a thriving local community and are not prepared to be left behind.

 While we understand that our exchange is currently "Under Review" with decisions yet to be made, as a village we are showing our strength of feeling by submitting this petition. It would after all make more business sense for BT Openreach to make Fibre Optic available for the majority of villagers - that means more subscribers!

Let us not forget approximately half of the funding has come directly from us the taxpayer via BDUK & KCC (Central Government AND Council Tax bills) under the "Make Kent Quicker Scheme".

 Please also "register your interest" with BT Openreach (They use this to guage the level of local interest for fibre optic broadband) here:



(For City Put in Aldington e.g.)

Mr Stewart J Bellamy    Contact the author of the petition