Complete Kyngshouton

For many months since the last house on the Kyngshouton development was completed there has been no understanding from Persimmon Homes (the developer) as to when the development will be completed. There is a severe lack of any works activity on the site and no communication at all from Persimmon Homes.

Currently the site looks like an unkempt building site and has numerous issues requiring resolution.

Attempts by residents to communicate with Persimmon Homes on the subject of completion have been unsuccessful to the extent it is believed that Persimmon are deliberately avoiding the residents.

Promises made by Persimmon Homes sales to buyers (new residents) have not been kept and a number of residents have no confidence that the development will reflect what they were sold.

We, the undersigned, call on the Managing Director of Persimmon Homes East Midlands namely Simon McDonald to:

1. Attend a residents meeting at Kyngshouton to discuss completion of the development and residents issues relating to the common areas of the development.
2. Provide a detailed programme of remaining works for completion of the development
3. Commit to a completion and handover date for Kyngshouton


Alan Davis for the Kyngshouton Residents    Contact the author of the petition