BSc Computing


Please sign this petition to be presented to the President and Board of Managment of UHI


On Thursday (17:02:11) afternoon we were given the devastating news that due to funding cuts there is a possibility that the BSc Computing Course may not run in Inverness College.  A clear decision has not yet been made and there is no definite time scale for the final decision.

Our class group will be using this window of opportunity to take action to try and influence the decision by UHI, not to cut this course.


We have all studied at Inverness College from HNC level, some even before that, and have progressed with the anticipation of being able to achieve our Degree in Inverness.


To add to the devastating news, the UCAS deadline that would have allowed us to apply to other colleges or Universities closed on the 15th January; we are too late to apply to anywhere else. In today’s competitive market to be applying as a straggler looks unprofessional and in decisive, neither attribute  would bode well for an acceptance place.


In the past month Inverness College was elevated to University Status and we celebrated this occasion and further enjoyed the prospect of becoming the first ever group of BSc Computing students to pass out of the University of Highlands & Islands.


During these celebrations we listened to UHI principal and vice-chancellor, James Fraser, state "Our new status as a university will assist us also in attracting more young people to UHI and in recruiting students from beyond the region."  To this we ask… ”Why attract outlying students when you cannot run a viable Degree Course at the culmination of a course for students who have been working in the College for 2 – 3 years already?


Des McNulty, Scottish Labour's Shadow Secretary for Education, said:

"The granting of university status for this institution is a boost for the Highlands and Islands economy and a significant step in widening access to higher education in the area.

"Students from the Highlands and Islands will have more options to choose from, including programmes offered locally, rather than being obliged to travel. And students from other parts of Scotland or from outside the country will have the chance, should they wish, to pursue their studies in the Highlands. To this we ask…” why do we now have to scramble looking desperately for last minute places on course outwith Inverness, to allow us to complete our study?”


Our Student group has contacted both of these people to ask them to back their statements and provide the funding for our course.

With the re-branding of the new University, thousands of pounds has been spent on the corporate image and logo.  This Money would have been better spent on education. Who sanctioned this huge spend? What benefit is there in a fancy logo if students have to find courses outwith the area?

We will be gathering signatures on Monday morning from Students as they enter the College, asking for their support to put pressure on UHI to run our course Bsc Computing.

We are asking for Press involvement as this is very news worthy due to the newly awarded status of the University and to help put pressure on UHI and Scottish Government to increase the budget for our course

Thank you in advance for your time and support.


(Do not sign this if you have already signed either this version of the petition or the hard copy, thank you)


For futher information please feel free to contact

HND Computing, Inverness College    Contact the author of the petition