Bring Seventeen to Australia

Seventeen have just announced their end of 2024 World Tour with dates in South Korea, Japan, the US and 'Asia'. Seventeen have not been to Australia since their concert in 2017, seven years ago! 

Kpop is a growing community in Australia and we deserve the chance to see Seventeen too. If you would like to see Seventeen come to Australia, please sign this petition which I will submit to Pledis Ent./other officiates. 

Please sign your first name, last name, city and email address. City is important as we want SVT to be able to have some statistical data on their most popular sites. If you're from a city that isn't likely to get a tour stop (although unfortunate) I would recommend putting a city you WOULD visit for a Seventeen concert, such as Melbourne or Sydney to get us tour dates in Australia! 

I am running this petition as a desperate Carat, hoping to help other Carats. New Zealand please reach out too. My proofs are on my trade Instagram @Mingyums. I will be handing the data onto Pledis once we have it. Thank you. 

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